matlab mac协议之ALOHA协议,CSMA协议
% Program 6-9
% carriersense.m
% The function of the carrier sense
% Input arguments
% no : terminal which carrier sensing
% now_time : now time
% Output argument
% result : 0: idle 1:busy
% Programmed by M.Okita
% Checked by H.Harada
function [result] = carriersense(nonow_time)
global Mnum Mstime Ttime Dtime % definition of the global variable
delay = Dtime * Ttime; % calculation of the delay time
idx = find((Mstime+delay)<=now_time & now_time<=(Mstime+delay+Ttime)); % carrier sense
if length(idx) > 0 % carrier is detected
result = 1; % channel is busy
else % charier can乫t be detected
result = 0; % channel is idle
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1090 2011-05-14 12:44 carriersense.asv
文件 1091 2001-11-29 16:19 carriersense.m
文件 702 2001-11-29 16:19 distance.m
文件 4320 2001-11-29 16:19 graph.m
文件 872 2001-11-29 16:19 inhibitsense.m
文件 6139 2008-11-05 19:46 main.m
文件 2724 2001-11-29 16:19 npcsma.m
文件 2199 2001-11-29 16:19 paloha.m
文件 1446 2001-11-29 16:19 position.m
文件 4193 2001-11-29 17:32 README-Chap6.txt
文件 2398 2001-11-29 16:19 saloha.m
文件 3416 2001-11-29 16:20 snpisma.m
文件 1327 2011-05-09 17:21 test.dat
文件 1112 2001-11-29 16:20 theorys.m
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