% Decompose textures in image with spectral TV gray-scale images
% script by Guy Gilboa (Jan 2015).
% based on: [1] G. Gilboa “A total variation spectral framework for scale and texture analysis.“ SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7.4 (2014): 1937-1961.
%% Important params to change according to image / application %%
Max_time = 1; % Maximal scale to be processed (in evolution time)
%Max_time = 40; % large scale
Num_of_bands = 50; % Number of bands phi(xt);
dt = Max_time/Num_of_bands;
f = double(imread(‘fruits.bmp‘));
%f = f(50:10050:100); % debug
f = double(f);
f = f(21:18571:240); % fruits melon
f = f/255; % pixels are in the range [01]
figure(1); imshow(f); title(‘f‘)
% Compute Phi bands and residual f_r
[STPhif_r] = specTV_evolve(f Max_time dt); % evolve image
% Define Filters
hp_i = 10;
bp_low_i=13; bp_high_i = 30; % incices of low and high bandpass cutoff
H1 = zeros(size(T));
H1(1:lp_i)=1; % high pass melon
H2 = zeros(size(T));
H2(bp_low_i:bp_high_i)=1; % band pass melon
% Reconstruct filtered image given Phi H and f_r
f_H1 = specTV_filter( Phi H1 f_r dt );
f_H2 = specTV_filter( Phi H2 f_r dt );
% Plot S(t) and filter response
figure(3); plot(TS‘b‘T(1:hp_i)S(1:hp_i)‘g‘T(bp_low_i:bp_high_i)S(bp_low_i:bp_high_i)‘r‘);
legend(‘Spectrum S(t)‘‘High Pass Filter H1(t)‘ ‘Band Pass Filter H2(t)‘)
% show a few Phi(t) instances
%phi_show = [4 20 30 50];
title(‘High Pass image f_{H1} x 2‘)
title(‘Band Pass image f_{H2}‘)
imshow(f_r); title(‘Residual f_r (Low-pass)‘)
Ind = 1:10; % Index of phi bands
RbyC = [2 5]; % Row by Column boxes
fignum =10; % Num of figure
Rescale = 1; % Possible image size rescaling (1 - no rescale >1 larger images)
contrast = 5;
I = specTV_show_phi( Phi*contrastdt Ind RbyC fignum Rescale);
title([‘A few instances of \phi(x;t) from bands ‘ num2str(Ind(1)) ‘ to ‘ num2str(Ind(end))])
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-02-09 18:28 SpecTV_grayscale\
文件 2022 2015-02-09 18:38 SpecTV_grayscale\demo_specTV_grayscale.asv
文件 2282 2015-02-09 19:05 SpecTV_grayscale\demo_specTV_grayscale.m
文件 90626 2001-11-19 16:54 SpecTV_grayscale\fruits.bmp
文件 1248 2013-04-08 23:42 SpecTV_grayscale\proj_tvl2.m
文件 1509 2015-02-09 18:51 SpecTV_grayscale\specTV_evolve.m
文件 421 2015-02-09 18:52 SpecTV_grayscale\specTV_filter.m
文件 1151 2015-02-09 17:52 SpecTV_grayscale\specTV_show_phi.m
- 上一篇:势函数的matlab实现
- 下一篇:local outlier factor检测
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