function descriptors = LOMO(images options)
%% function Descriptors = LOMO(images options)
% Function for the Local Maximal Occurrence (LOMO) feature extraction
% Input:
% : a set of n RGB color images. Size: [h w 3 n]
% [optioins]: optional parameters. A structure containing any of the
% following fields:
% numScales: number of pyramid scales in feature extraction. Default: 3
% blockSize: size of the sub-window for histogram counting. Default: 10
% blockStep: sliding step for the sub-windows. Default: 5
% hsvBins: number of bins for HSV channels. Default: [888]
% tau: the tau parameter in SILTP. Default: 0.3
% R: the radius paramter in SILTP. Specify multiple values for multiscale SILTP. Default: [3 5]
% numPoints: number of neiborhood points for SILTP encoding. Default: 4
% The above default parameters are good for 128x48 and 160x60 person
% images. You may need to adjust the numScales blockSize and R parameters
% for other smaller or higher resolutions.
% Output:
% descriptors: the extracted LOMO descriptors. Size: [d n]
% Example:
% I = imread(‘../images/000_45_a.bmp‘);
% descriptor = LOMO(I);
% Reference:
% Shengcai Liao Yang Hu Xiangyu Zhu and Stan Z. Li. Person
% re-identification by local maximal occurrence representation and metric
% learning. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2015.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: 2015-04-29
% Author: Shengcai Liao
% Institute: National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
% Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences
% Email: scliao@nlpr.ia.ac.cn
%% set parameters
numScales = 3;
blockSize = 10;
blockStep = 5;
hsvBins = [888];
tau = 0.3;
R = [3 5];
numPoints = 4;
if nargin >= 2
if isfield(options‘numScales‘) && ~isempty(options.numScales) && isscalar(options.numScales) && isnumeric(options.numScales) && options.numScales > 0
numScales = options.numScales;
fprintf(‘numScales = %d.\n‘ numScales);
if isfield(options‘blockSize‘) && ~isempty(options.blockSize) && isscalar(options.blockSize) && isnumeric(options.blockSize) && options.blockSize > 0
blockSize = options.blockSize;
fprintf(‘blockSize = %d.\n‘ blockSize);
if isfield(options‘blockStep‘) && ~isempty(options.blockStep) && isscalar(options.blockStep) && isnumeric(options.blockStep) && options.blockStep > 0
blockStep = options.blockStep;
fprintf(‘blockStep = %d.\n‘ blockStep);
if isfield(options‘hsvBins‘) && ~isempty(options.hsvBins) && isvector(options.blockStep) && isnumeric(options.hsvBins) && length(options.hsvBins) == 3 && all(options.hsvBins > 0)
hsvBins = options.hsvBins;
fprintf(‘hsvBins = [%d %d %d].\n‘ hsvBins);
if isfield(options‘tau‘) && ~isempty(options.tau) && isscalar(options.tau) && isnumeric(options.tau) && o
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