This short script demonstrates the use of the interior-point solver to
compute the solution to a quadratic program with convex objective
% is a simple yet reasonably robust implementation of a primal-dual
% interior-point solver for convex programs with convex inequality
% constraints (it does not handle equality constraints). Precisely speaking
% it will compute the solution to the following optimization problem:
% minimize f(x)
% subject to c(x) < 0
% where f(x) is a convex objective and c(x) is a vector-valued function with
% outputs that are convex in x. There are many many optimization problems
% that can be framed in this form (see the book “Convex Optimization“ by
% Boyd and Vandenberghe for a good start). This code is mostly based on
% the descriptions provided in this reference:
% Paul Armand Jean C. Gilbert Sophie Jan-Jegou. A Feasible BFGS
% Interior Point Algorithm for Solving Convex Minimization Problems.
% SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol. 11 No. 1 pp. 199-222.
% However to understand what is going on you will need to read up on
% interior-point methods for constrained optimization. A good starting
% point is the book of Boyd and Vandenberghe.
% The input X0 is the initial point for the solver. It must be an n x 1
% matrix where n is the number of (primal) optimization variables.
% DESCENTDIR must be either: ‘newton‘ for the Newton search direction
% ‘bfgs‘ for the quasi-Newton search direction with the
% Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update or ‘steepest‘ for the
% steepest descent direction. The steepest descent direction is often quite
% bad and the solver may fail to converge to the solution if you take this
% option. For the Newton direction you must be able to compute the the
% Hessian of the objective. Also note that we form a quasi-Newton
% approximation to the objective not to the Lagrangian (as is usually
% done). This means that you will always have to provide second-order
% information about the inequality constraint functions.
% TOL is the tolerance of the convergence criterion; it determines when the
% solver should stop. MAXITER is the maximum number of iterations. And the
% final input VERBOSE must be set to true or false depending on whether
% you would like to see the progress of the solver.
% The inputs OBJ GRAD CONSTR and JACOBIAN must all be function handles. If
% you don‘t know what function handles are type HELP FUNCTION_HANDLE in
% * OBJ must be a handle to a function that takes 1 input the vector
% of optimization variables and returns the value of the function at
% the given point. The function definition should look something like F
% = objectIVE(X).
% * GRAD is a pointer to a function of the form G = GRADIENT(X) where
% G is the n x 1 gradient vector of the objective or [G H] =
% GRADIENT(X) if the Newton step is used in which case H is the n x n
% Hessian of the objective.
% * CONSTR is a handle to a function of the form C = CONSTRAINTS(X)
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