根据《GNSS与惯性及多传感器组合导航系统原理》里配套的资源,自己修改的matlab仿真程序。 可以用。
function [delta_r_eb_ndelta_v_eb_ndelta_eul_nb_n] = Calculate_errors_NED(...
%Calculate_errors_NED - Calculates the position velocity and attitude
% errors of a NED navigation solution.
% Software for use with “Principles of GNSS Inertial and Multisensor
% Integrated Navigation Systems“ Second Edition.
% This function created 3/4/2012 by Paul Groves
% Inputs:
% est_L_b latitude solution (rad)
% est_lambda_b longitude solution (rad)
% est_h_b height solution (m)
% est_v_eb_n velocity solution of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame
% resolved along north east and down (m/s)
% est_C_b_n body-to-NED coordinate transformation matrix solution
% true_L_b true latitude (rad)
% true_lambda_b true longitude (rad)
% true_h_b true height (m)
% true_v_eb_n true velocity of body frame w.r.t. ECEF frame resolved
% along north east and down (m/s)
% C_b_n true body-to-NED coordinate transformation matrix
% Outputs:
% delta_r_eb_n position error resolved along NED (m)
% delta_v_eb_n velocity error resolved along NED (m/s)
% delta_eul_nb_n attitude error as NED Euler angles (rad)
% These are expressed about north east and down
% Copyright 2012 Paul Groves
% License: BSD; see license.txt for details
% Begins
% Position error calculation using (2.119)
[R_NR_E] = Radii_of_curvature(true_L_b);
delta_r_eb_n(1) = (est_L_b - true_L_b) * (R_N + true_h_b);
delta_r_eb_n(2) = (est_lambda_b - true_lambda_b) * (R_E + true_h_b) *...
delta_r_eb_n(3) = -(est_h_b - true_h_b);
% Velocity error calculation
delta_v_eb_n = est_v_eb_n - true_v_eb_n;
% Attitude error calculation using (5.109) and (5.111)
delta_C_b_n = est_C_b_n * true_C_b_n‘;
delta_eul_nb_n = -CTM_to_Euler(delta_C_b_n);
% Ends
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 2032 2012-05-28 00:17 simulation_deng - 副本\Calculate_errors_NED.m
文件 827 2012-07-01 20:29 simulation_deng - 副本\CTM_to_Euler.m
文件 6227 2017-12-28 15:49 simulation_deng - 副本\deng1.m
文件 2529 2012-07-01 20:29 simulation_deng - 副本\ECEF_to_NED.m
文件 1316 2012-07-01 20:30 simulation_deng - 副本\Euler_to_CTM.m
文件 1446 2012-05-28 00:19 simulation_deng - 副本\Gravity_ECEF.m
文件 1336 2012-05-28 00:19 simulation_deng - 副本\Gravity_NED.m
文件 1350059 2017-12-27 16:49 simulation_deng - 副本\IMU_test1.txt
文件 1278 2012-05-28 00:21 simulation_deng - 副本\Initialize_LC_P_matrix.m
文件 874 2012-05-28 00:22 simulation_deng - 副本\Initialize_NED_attitude.m
文件 3736 2012-05-28 00:23 simulation_deng - 副本\Kinematics_ECEF.m
文件 5640 2012-07-08 17:30 simulation_deng - 副本\LC_KF_Epoch.m
文件 13269 2017-12-28 16:22 simulation_deng - 副本\Loosely_coupled_INS_GNSS_deng.m
文件 3494 2012-05-28 00:24 simulation_deng - 副本\Nav_equations_ECEF.m
文件 2015 2012-07-01 20:33 simulation_deng - 副本\NED_to_ECEF.m
文件 3041 2012-05-28 00:24 simulation_deng - 副本\Plot_errors.m
文件 3124 2012-05-28 00:24 simulation_deng - 副本\Plot_profile.m
文件 2289 2012-05-28 00:24 simulation_deng - 副本\pv_ECEF_to_NED.m
文件 871 2012-05-28 00:24 simulation_deng - 副本\Radii_of_curvature.m
文件 529 2012-05-28 00:25 simulation_deng - 副本\Skew_symmetric.m
目录 0 2017-12-28 17:04 simulation_deng - 副本
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