% Determine sample (1) echo delay times (2) norm. Doppler frequencies
% and (3) initial phases of the Rayleigh portions of a (time-variant)
% physical transmission channel according to the European standard COST-
% 207 (COoperation in the field of Science & Technology Project #207).
% function [tau_MHz fD_norm psi tau_pdf] = ...
% COST207 (mPDS[ N_echo[ rseed]]])
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% mPDS : String designating the desired propagation environment
% i.e. the physical channel according to COST-207:
% - ‘TU‘: “Typical Urban“ (non-hilly urban environment)
% - ‘RA‘: “Rural Area“ (non-hilly rural environment)
% - ‘BU‘: “Bad Urban“ (hilly urban environment)
% - ‘HT‘: “Hilly Terrain“ (hilly rural environment).
% Note: These environments correspond to different mean power
% delay spectra (PDS “Verzoegerungsleistungsspektren“).
% N.B.: To obtain environments NOT standardized by COST-207 mPDS
% can also be a matrix with entries as in tau_pdf (see o/p).
% [N_echo]: Desired number of echo paths (Default: 100).
% [rseed] : If this parameter is given rseed is used to set the
% seeds for the random numbers generator. In this way
% the function outputs can be reproduced.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% tau_MHz: (Length N_out) col. vector of delay times of the echo paths.
% The values of tau_MHz := tau*1MHz = tau/1us are in the range
% 0..7 (TU) 0..0.7 (RA) 0..10 (BU) 0..2 and 15..20 (HT).
% The histogramm of tau_MHz approaches the pdf of tau which
% is prop. to the mean power delay spectrum indicated by mPDS.
% N.B.: N_out may slightly differ from N_echo to satisfy the relative
% power ratio between echo clusters (for ‘BU‘ and ‘HT‘ only).
% fD_norm: (Length N_out) column vector with norm. Doppler frequencies
% fD/max{fD} resulting from echos impinging isotropically on
% the mobile unit. The values are in the range -1.0...1.0 and
% approximate the Jakes pdf. To unnormalize multiply by the
% maximum Doppler frequency max{fD}:= v*f0/c0 where
% - v is the speed of the mobile unit [m/s]
% - f0 is the carrier frequency [Hertz]
% - c0=3e8 is the speed of light in empty space [m/s].
% psi : (Length N_out) column vector containing the initial phases.
% The values are uniformly distributed in the range 0..2pi.
% tau_pdf: Complete set of parameters describing the pdf of echo delay
% times where row n refers to the n
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