function [imgH] = backproj(varargin)
%BACKPROJ Compute inverse Radon transform.
% I = BACKPROJ(RTHETA) reconstructs the image I from projection
% data in the 2-D array R. The columns of R are parallel beam
% projection data. IRADON assumes that the center of rotation
% is the center point of the projections which is defined as
% ceil(size(R1)/2).
% THETA describes the angles (in degrees) at which the projections
% were taken. It can be either a vector containing the angles or
% a scalar specifying D_theta the incremental angle between
% projections. If THETA is a vector it must contain angles with
% equal spacing between them. If THETA is a scalar specifying
% D_theta the projections are taken at angles THETA = m * D_theta;
% m = 012...size(R2)-1. If the input is the empty matrix
% ([]) D_theta defaults to 180/size(R2).
% BACKPROJ uses the filtered or unfiltered backprojection algorithm to perform
% the inverse Radon transform. The filter is designed directly
% in the frequency domain and then multiplied by the FFT of the
% projections. The projections are zero-padded to a power of 2
% before filtering to prevent spatial domain aliasing and to
% speed up the FFT.
% to use in the inverse Radon transform. You can specify
% any combination of the last four arguments. IRADON uses
% default values for any of these arguments that you omit.
% INTERP specifies the type of interpolation to use in the
% backprojection. The available options are listed in order
% of increasing accuracy and computational complexity:
% ‘nearest‘ - nearest neighbor interpolation
% ‘linear‘ - linear interpolation (default)
% ‘spline‘ - spline interpolation
% FILTER specifies the filter to use for frequency domain filtering.
% FILTER is a string that specifies any of the following standard
% filters:
% ‘None‘ No filter: simple (unfiltered) backprojection.
% ‘Ram-Lak‘ The cropped Ram-Lak or ramp filter (default). The
% frequency response of this filter is |f|. Because
% this filter is sensitive to noise in the projections
% one of the filters listed below may be preferable.
% These filters multiply the Ram-Lak filter by a
% window that de-emphasizes high frequencies.
% ‘Shepp-Logan‘ The Shepp-Logan filter multiplies the Ram-Lak
% filter by a sinc function.
% ‘Cosine‘ The cosine filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter
% by a cosine function.
% ‘Hamming‘ The Hamming filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter
% by a Hamming window.
% ‘Hann‘ The Hann filter multiplies the Ram-Lak filter by
% a Hann window.
% D is a scalar
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\
文件 1183 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\README.md
文件 10891 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\backproj.m
文件 12251 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\build_weight_matrix.m
文件 7709 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\build_weight_matrix_area.m
文件 7217 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\build_weight_matrix_simple.m
文件 781 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\combWeightProj.m
文件 127 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\comb_projmat.m
文件 5457 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\demo.m
目录 0 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\solver\
文件 430 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\solver\solver_sart.m
目录 0 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\
文件 1100 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\ART2Dreconst.m
文件 1853 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build1.m
文件 1542 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build2.m
文件 2597 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build3.m
文件 2857 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build4.m
文件 1872 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build5.m
文件 2620 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build6.m
文件 2476 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build7.m
文件 2562 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build8.m
文件 702 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build_comp.m
文件 545 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build_comp_accuracy.m
文件 335 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\build_comp_area.m
文件 588 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\demo_crop.m
文件 4910 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\demo_tomo.m
文件 760 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\demo_weightmat.m
文件 130 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\test_00_imtest.m
文件 686 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\test_01_FilterCompare.m
文件 1727 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\test_02_Reconstruction.m
文件 1332 2017-12-23 04:52 phymhan-matlab-tomo-2d-4ee1bce\test\test_03_FBP.m
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