
% =========================================================================
% Matlab program to draw a phase portrait for the LotkaVolterra Predetor
% Pey model. The results are shown at each time step.
% In addition the user has the option of plotting a time series graph for x or y.
% Set the parameter choice = 1 for a time series plot for x.
% Set choice = 2 for a time series plot for y.
% Equation parameters alpha beta gamma and detla can be changed by the
% user.
% Equations are solved using a numerical ODE solver.
% James Adams 3/4/14
% =========================================================================
function LotkaVolterra_JA
clear % Clears command window
clc % Clears command history
clf % Removes anything in the figure window before simulation.
% =============== Set choice to 1 or 2 ====================================
choice = 2;
countdown = 5; % Countdown time length before simulation runs.
iterations = 1; % Sets initial interation count to 1;
pausetime = 0.1; % Shows solutions at each time step.
runtime = 10; % Duration time of simulation.
% ================ Equation parameter values ==============================
alpha = 1;
beta = 8/3;
gamma = 1;
delta = 1;
% =============== Initial conditions for x and y ==========================
initialx = 1;
initialy = 1;
fprintf(‘----------------------------------\nLotkaVolterra Predetor Prey model \n\nMatlab code written by James Adams\n----------------------------------‘)
fprintf(‘\n\nParameter values set‘)
fprintf(‘\n\nalpha = %2.6f \nbeta = %2.6f \ngamma = %2.6f \ndelta = %2.6f ‘alphabetagammadelta)
fprintf(‘\n\nTo plot a time series graph for x set the choice parameter in the code to 1.‘)
fprintf(‘\nSet choice to 2 to plot a time series graph for y.\n\nSimulation will run in ‘)
for i = 5:-1:1
fprintf(‘\n%8i‘countdown‘) % Countdown to simulation start.
countdown = countdown-1;
% Solves equations using numerical ODE solver 45 (nonstiff runge kutta)
deq1=@(tx) [x(1)*(alpha - beta*x(2)); -x(2)*(gamma-delta*x(1))];
[tsol] = ode45(deq1[0 runtime][initialx initialy]);
arraysize = size(t); % Sets time array size for the for loop.
%============ Solutions are plotted at each time step =====================
for i = 1 : max(arraysize)
plot(sol(iterations1)sol(iterations2)‘.‘‘color‘[rand; rand; rand]‘markersize‘14‘MarkerFaceColor‘‘b‘);
hold on
title([‘Lotka-Volterra Equations t = ‘ num2str(t(iterations))]‘fontsize‘12)
axis([min(sol(:1)) max(sol(:1)) min(sol(:2)) max(sol(:2))])
text(0.10.5‘Time Series graph will be shown at the end of the simulation‘)
iterations = iterations + 1; % Adds 1 to the iteration count.
% ==== Plots time series
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3882 2014-10-02 18:18 LotkaVolterra_JA.m
文件 1311 2014-10-02 18:18 license.txt
- 上一篇:matlab开发-2加权多项式拟合与估值
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