function c = Fast_Kurtogram(xnlevelFsopt1opt2)
% Fast_Kurtogram(xnlevelFs)
% Computes the fast kurtogram of signal x up to level ‘nlevel‘
% Maximum number of decomposition levels is log2(length(x)) but it is
% recommended to stay by a factor 1/8 below this.
% Fs = sampling frequency of signal x (default is Fs = 1)
% opt1 = 1: the kurtogram is computed via a fast decimated filterbank tree
% opt1 = 2: the kurtogram is computed via the short-time Fourier transform
% (if there is any difference in the kurtogram between the two measures this is
% due to the presence of impulsive additive noise)
% opt2 = 1: classical kurtosis based on 4th order statistics
% opt2 = 2: robust kurtosis based on 2nd order statistics of the envelope
% (option 1 is faster and has more flexibility than option 2 in the design of the
% analysis filter: a short filter in option 1 gives virtually the same results as option 2)
% -------------------
% J. Antoni : 02/2005
% -------------------
N = length(x);
N2 = log2(N) - 7;%最大允许分解层
if nlevel > N2%判断输入分解层是否大于最大允许分解层
error(‘Please enter a smaller number of decomposition levels‘);
if nargin < 5%判断输入变量
opt2 = input(‘Choose the kurtosis measure (classic = 1 ; robust = 2): ‘);
if nargin < 4
opt1 = input(‘Choose the algorithm (filterbank = 1 ; stft-based = 2): ‘);
if nargin < 3
Fs = 1;
% Fast computation of the kurtogram
if opt1 == 1
% 1) Filterbank-based kurtogram
% Analytic generating filters
N = 16; fc = .4; % a short filter is just good enough!
h = fir1(Nfc).*exp(2i*pi*(0:N)*.125);%二分段低通滤波器
n = 2:N+1;
g = h(1+mod(1-nN)).*(-1).^(1-n);%二分段高通滤波器
N = fix(3/2*N);
h1 = fir1(N2/3*fc).*exp(2i*pi*(0:N)*.25/3);%三分段第一段滤波器
h2 = h1.*exp(2i*pi*(0:N)/6);%三分段第二段滤波器
h3 = h1.*exp(2i*pi*(0:N)/3);%三分段第三段滤波器
if opt2 == 1
Kwav = K_wpQ(xhgh1h2h3nlevel‘kurt2‘); % kurtosis of the complex envelope
Kwav = K_wpQ(xhgh1h2h3nlevel‘kurt1‘); % variance of the envelope magnitude
Kwav = Kwav.*(Kwav>0); % keep positive values only!
% 2) STFT-based kurtogram
Nfft = 2.^[3:nlevel+2]; % level 1 of wav_kurt roughly corresponds to a 4-sample hanning window with stft_kurt
% or a 8-sample flattop 第一层分8段
temp = [3*Nfft(1)/2 3*Nfft(1:end-2);Nfft(2:end)];%第一行为三分层段数,第二行为二分层段数
Nfft = [Nfft(1) temp(:)‘];%用矩阵计算而不是循环赋值的方法,所有分层段数
if opt2 == 1
Kstft = Kf_fft(xNfft1‘kurt2‘); % kurtosis of the complex envelope
Kx = kurt(x‘kurt2‘);%未分层前的信号峭度
Kstft = Kf_fft(xNfft1‘kurt1‘); % variance of the envelope magnitude
Kx = kurt(x‘kurt1‘);
Kstft = [Kx*ones(1
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