function data = bpBasic(data);
%this function performs a basic backprojection operationthe following
%fields need to be populated
%data.Nfft: size of the FFT to form the range profile
%data.deltaF: step size of frequency data(Hz)
%data.minF: vector containing the start frequeny of each pulse(Hz)
%data.x_mat: the x-position of each pixel(m)
%data.y_mat: the y-position of each pixel(m)
%data.z_mat: the z-position of each pixel(m)
%data.AntX: the x-position of the sensor at each pulse(m)
%data.AntY: the y-position of the sensor at each pulse(m)
%data.AntZ: the z-position of the sensor at each pulse(m)
%data.RO: the range to scene center(m)
%data.phdata: phase histroy data(frequency domain) fast time in
%rowsslow time in columns
%the output is:
%data.im_final: the complex image value at each pixel
%written by leroy gorhamair force rewardh laboratory WAPAFBOH
%data rrelwased: 8 Apr 2010
%gorhamL.A. and Moore J.J. SRimage formation boolbox for
%matab“algrorithm for synthetic aperture radar imagery XVII 7669SPIE
%define speed of the light
c = 299792458;
%determine the size of the phase histroy data
data.K = size(data.phdata1);%the number of frequency bins per pulse
data.Np = size(data.phdata2);%the number of pulses
%determine the zaimuth angles of the image pulses(radians)
data.AntAz = unwrap(atan2(data.AntYdata.AntX));
%determine the average azimuth angle step size(radians)
data.deltaAz = abs(mean(diff(data.AntAz)));
%determine the total azimuth angel of the aperture(radians)
data.totalAz = max(data.AntAz) - min(data.AntAz);
%determine the maximm scene size of the image(m)
data.maxWr = c/(2
- 上一篇:OMP算法重构代码
- 下一篇:基于lpc的语音信号的分析与合成matlab程序
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