function numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J theta)
% numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J theta)
% theta: a vector of parameters
% J: a function that outputs a real-number. Calling y = J(theta) will return the
% function value at theta.
% Initialize numgrad with zeros
numgrad = zeros(size(theta));
%% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
% Instructions:
% Implement numerical gradient checking and return the result in numgrad.
% (See Section 2.3 of the lecture notes.)
% You should write code so that numgrad(i) is (the numerical approximation to) the
% partial derivative of J with respect to the i-th input argument evaluated at theta.
% I.e. numgrad(i) should be the (approximately) the partial derivative of J with
% respect to theta(i).
% Hint: You will probably want to compute the elements of numgrad one at a time.
% epsilon=0.0001;
% n=size(theta1);
% E=eye(n);
% for i=1:n
% delta=E(:i)*epsilon;
% numgrad(i)=(J(theta+delta)-J(theta-delta))/(epsilon*2.0);
% end
epsilon = 10^(-4);
n = size(theta 1);
J1 = zeros(1 1);
J2 = zeros(1 1);
grad = zeros(size(numgrad));
temp1 = zeros(size(theta));
temp2 = zeros(size(theta));
for i = 1 : n
temp1 = theta;
temp2 = theta;
temp1(i) = temp1(i) + epsilon;
temp2(i) = temp2(i) - epsilon;
[J1 grad] = J(temp1);
[J2 grad] = J(temp2);
numgrad(i) = (J1 - J2) / (2*epsilon);
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-03-30 17:10 softmax_exercise\
文件 1510 2016-03-30 10:32 softmax_exercise\computeNumericalGradient.m
文件 811 2014-03-25 21:18 softmax_exercise\loadMNISTImages.m
文件 516 2011-04-25 17:32 softmax_exercise\loadMNISTLabels.m
目录 0 2016-03-25 20:07 softmax_exercise\minFunc\
文件 3251 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\ArmijoBacktrack.m
文件 807 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\autoGrad.m
文件 901 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\autoHess.m
文件 317 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\autoHv.m
文件 870 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\autoTensor.m
文件 385 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\callOutput.m
文件 1845 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\conjGrad.m
文件 995 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\dampedUpdate.m
文件 2421 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\example_minFunc.m
文件 1604 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\example_minFunc_LR.m
文件 107 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\isLegal.m
文件 924 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgs.m
文件 2408 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.c
文件 7707 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexa64
文件 7733 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexglx
文件 9500 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexmac
文件 12660 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexmaci
文件 8800 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexmaci64
文件 7168 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexw32
文件 9728 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsC.mexw64
文件 614 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\lbfgsUpdate.m
目录 0 2016-03-25 20:07 softmax_exercise\minFunc\logistic\
文件 417 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\logistic\LogisticDiagPrecond.m
文件 216 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\logistic\LogisticHv.m
文件 659 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\logistic\LogisticLoss.m
文件 1154 2011-01-03 21:39 softmax_exercise\minFunc\logistic\mexutil.c
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