人工智能里的 宽度学习,该代码为matlab版本,有空可以比较深度学习
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%This is the demo for the bls models including the
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%proposed incremental learning algorithms.
%%%%%%%%%%load the dataset MNIST dataset%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
warning off all;
format compact;
load mnist;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%the samples from the data are normalized and the lable data
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%train_y and test_y are reset as N*C matrices%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
train_x = double(train_x/255);
train_y = double(train_y);
% test_x = double(train_x/255);
% test_y = double(train_y);
test_x = double(test_x/255);
test_y = double(test_y);
assert(isfloat(train_x) ‘train_x must be a float‘);
assert(all(train_x(:)>=0) && all(train_x(:)<=1) ‘all data in train_x must be in [0:1]‘);
assert(isfloat(test_x) ‘test_x must be a float‘);
assert(all(test_x(:)>=0) && all(test_x(:)<=1) ‘all data in test_x must be in [0:1]‘);
disp(‘Press any key to run the one shot BLS demo‘);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%This is the model of broad learning sytem with%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%one shot structrue%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C = 2^-30; s = .8;%the l2 regularization parameter and the shrinkage scale of the enhancement nodes
N11=10;%feature nodes per window
N2=10;% number of windows of feature nodes
N33=11000;% number of enhancement nodes
epochs=10;% number of epochs
% rand(‘state‘67797325) % 12000 %%%%% The random seed recommended by the
% reference HELM [10].
N1=N11; N3=N33;
for j=1:epochs
[TrainingAccuracyTestingAccuracyTraining_timeTesting_time] = bls_train(train_xtrain_ytest_xtest_ysCN1N2N3);
train_err(j)=TrainingAccuracy * 100;
test_err(j)=TestingAccuracy * 100;
save ( [‘mnist_result_oneshot_‘ num2str(N3)] ‘train_err‘ ‘test_err‘ ‘train_time‘ ‘test_time‘);
disp(‘Press any key to run the one shot BLS demo with BP algorithm‘);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%This is the model of broad learning system for one%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%shot structrue with fine tuning under BP algorithm%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
C = 2^-30; s = .8;%the l2 regularization parameter and the shrinkage scale of the enhancement nodes
N11=10;%feature nodes per window
N2=10;% number of windows of feature nodes
N33=5000;% number of enhancement nodes
epochs=1;% number of epochs
% rand(‘state‘67797325) % 12000 %%%%% The random seed recommended by the
% reference HELM [10].
N1=N11; N3=N33;
for j=1:epochs
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-11-27 22:52 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\
文件 9687 2017-11-27 22:51 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\BLS_demo_MNIST.m
文件 9752 2017-11-27 22:52 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\BLS_demo_MNIST_for_lower_memory.m
文件 3028 2017-07-16 19:35 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train.m
文件 7776 2017-07-19 23:17 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train_bp.m
文件 5834 2017-07-16 19:43 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train_enhance.m
文件 6745 2017-07-16 20:28 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train_enhancefeature.m
文件 5639 2017-07-16 20:31 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train_input.m
文件 6398 2017-07-16 20:32 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\bls_train_inputenhance.m
文件 14735220 2017-07-11 20:58 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\mnist.mat
文件 438 2017-07-19 23:02 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\pre_zca.m
文件 72 2017-07-11 20:58 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\result.m
文件 495 2017-07-11 20:58 Demo_Broadlearning_MNIST\sparse_bls.m
目录 0 2017-11-27 22:32 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\
文件 2261 2017-07-19 23:00 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\BLS_demo_norb.m
文件 2335 2017-07-19 23:21 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\BLS_demo_norb_for_lower_memory.m
文件 3028 2017-07-16 19:35 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\bls_train.m
文件 66936859 2017-03-03 17:24 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\norb.mat
文件 438 2017-07-19 23:02 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\pre_zca.m
文件 72 2017-07-11 20:58 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\result.m
文件 495 2017-07-11 20:58 Demo_Broadlearning_norb\sparse_bls.m
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