matlab的一个函数 主要用于处理数据,做其频谱分析
function [fPprob] = lomb(thofachifac)
% LOMB(THOFACHIFAC) computes the Lomb normalized periodogram (spectral
% power as a function of frequency) of a sequence of N data points H
% sampled at times T which are not necessarily evenly spaced. T and H must
% be vectors of equal size. The routine will calculate the spectral power
% for an increasing sequence of frequencies (in reciprocal units of the
% time array T) up to HIFAC times the average Nyquist frequency with an
% oversampling factor of OFAC (typically >= 4).
% The returned values are arrays of frequencies considered (f) the
% associated spectral power (P) and estimated significance of the power
% values (prob). Note: the significance returned is the false alarm
% probability of the null hypothesis i.e. that the data is composed of
% independent gaussian random variables. Low probability values indicate a
% high degree of significance in the associated periodic signal.
% Although this implementation is based on that described in Press
% Teukolsky et al. Numerical Recipes In C section 13.8 rather than using
% trigonometric rercurrences this takes advantage o
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