function xjview(varargin)
% xjview version 9.6
% usage 1: xjview (no argument)
% for displaying a result img file or multiple image files
% (which will be loaded later) and changing p-value or t/f-value
% usage 2: xjview(imagefilename)
% for displaying the result img file and changing p-value or
% t-value
% Example: xjView spmT_0002.img
% xjView(‘spmT_0002.img‘)
% xjView mymask.img
% usage 3: xjview(imagefilename1 imagefilename2 ...)
% for displaying the result img files and changing p-value or
% t/f-value
% Example: xjView spmT_0002.img spmT_0005.img spmT_0007.img
% xjView(‘spmT_0002.img‘ ‘spmT_0003.img‘ ‘spmT_0006.img‘)
% xjView myMask1.img myMask2.img myMask3.img
% usage 4: xjview(mnicoord intensity)
% for displaying where are the mni coordinates
% mnicoord: Nx3 matrix of mni coordinates
% intensity: (optional) Nx1 matrix usually t values of the
% corresponding voxels
% Example: xjView([20 10 1; -10 2 5][1;2])
% xjView([20 10 1; -10 2 5])
% http://www.alivelearn.net/xjview
% by Xu Cui Jian Li and Xiaowei Song
% http://www.alivelearn.net/xjview
% Xu Cui‘s personal blog: http://www.alivelearn.net
% last modified 09/2017(new higher resolution render.mat by Dr. Weiwei Men)
% last modified 06/2017 v9.5 add FWE automatically select SPM.mat
% last modified: 11/14/2016 v9.0 (more render view options)
% last modified: 12/3/2015 v9.0 (add warning when user click volume but
% ‘all‘ intensity is selected
% last modified: 11/15/2015 v8.14 (fix stat bug and render view (old style) bug)
% last modified: 11/12/2015 at 16:30PM (fix stat bug)
% last modified: 11/09/2015 at 11:09AM (allow to change the minimum of color bar range allow to resize window)
% last modified: 03/31/2014 (fix setting F-test df bug)
% last modified: 10/23/2012 (fix colorbar max bug)
% last modified: 7/4/2012 (fix overylay bug)
% last modified: 4/18/2012 (choice of color set p-value individually)
% last modified: 10/21/2011 (compatible with MatLab 2011)
% last modified: 2/28/2011 (add small volume correction)
% last modified: 2/25/2011 (fix volume bug under SPM 8 r4010)
% last modified: 12/14/2009 (FDR and Feed)
% last modified: 06/24/2009 (fix bug in activation report)
% last modified: 05/24/2009 (slice view)
% last modified: 04/17/2009 (SPM8 compatible)
% last modified: 11/20/2007 (new database all database from wfu_pickatlas including aal
% last modified: 06/01/2007 (correct FDR corrected p-value list change intensity to handles.intensity{1})
% last modified: 02/18/2007 (add colorbar max control)
% last modified: 11/16/2006 (keyboard shortcut for open image and open roi file)
% last modified: 06/16/2006 (spm5 compatible)
% last modified: 05/30/2006 (left/right flip path of mask.img
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-10-12 08:24 xjview96\
目录 0 2016-11-15 06:37 xjview96\xjview\
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\aal.hdr
文件 7109137 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\aal.img
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\brodmann.hdr
文件 7109137 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\brodmann.img
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\ch2.hdr
文件 7110163 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\ch2.img
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\ch2bet.hdr
文件 7109137 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\ch2bet.img
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\example1.hdr
文件 275520 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\example1.img
文件 348 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\example2.hdr
文件 275520 2016-11-15 06:34 xjview96\xjview\example2.img
文件 12045288 2013-05-25 03:00 xjview96\xjview\TDdataba
文件 458790 2017-10-12 08:25 xjview96\xjview\xjview.m
文件 20128651 2017-10-07 07:45 xjview96\xjview\xjview_render.mat
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