资源为Matlab 2016B版本的robotics toolbox工具箱,使用时只需解压至matlab的toolbox安装路径即可使用!
classdef (Sealed)BinaryOccupancyGrid < robotics.algs.internal.OccupancyGridbase
%BINARYOCCUPANCYGRID Create a binary occupancy grid
% BINARYOCCUPANCYGRID creates an occupancy grid map. Each cell has
% a value representing the occupancy status of that cell. An occupied
% location is represented as true (1) and a free location is false (0).
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(W H) creates a 2D binary
% occupancy grid object representing a world space of width(W) and
% height(H) in meters. The default grid resolution is 1 cell per meter.
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(W H RES) creates a BinaryOccupancyGrid
% object with resolution(RES) specified in cells per meter.
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(W H RES ‘world‘) creates a
% BinaryOccupancyGrid object and specifies the map size (W and H)
% in the world coordinates. This is also the default value.
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(M N RES ‘grid‘) returns a
% BinaryOccupancyGrid object and specifies a grid size of M rows and N columns.
% RES specifies the cells per meter resolution.
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(P) creates a binary
% occupancy grid object from the values in the matrix
% P. The size of the grid matches the matrix with each cell value
% interpreted from that matrix location. Matrix P may contain
% any numeric type with zeros(0) and ones(1).
% MAP = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(P RES) creates a BinaryOccupancyGrid
% object from matrix P with RES specified in cells per meter.
% BinaryOccupancyGrid properties:
% GridSize - Size of the grid in [rows cols] (number of cells)
% Resolution - Grid resolution in cells per meter
% XWorldLimits - Minimum and maximum values of X
% YWorldLimits - Minimum and maximum values of Y
% GridLocationInWorld - Location of grid in world coordinates
% BinaryOccupancyGrid methods:
% setOccupancy - Set occupancy of a location
% getOccupancy - Get occupancy of a location
% grid2world - Convert grid indices to world coordinates
% world2grid - Convert world coordinates to grid indices
% show - Show grid values in a figure
% inflate - Inflate each occupied grid location
% copy - Create a copy of the object
% occupancyMatrix - Convert binary occupancy grid to logical matrix
% Example:
% % Create a 2m x 2m empty map
% map = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(22);
% % Create a 10m x 10m empty map with resolution 20
% map = robotics.BinaryOccupancyGrid(10 10 20);
% % Create a map from a matrix with resolution 20
% p = eye(100);
% map
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5006 2015-12-24 10:56 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\aStar.m
文件 2898 2016-02-19 13:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\calculateRanges.m
文件 1904 2016-01-26 13:12 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\inflate.m
文件 2498 2016-02-29 16:37 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\motionModelUpdate.m
文件 635 2015-10-13 12:06 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\private\edgeToLine.m
文件 1357 2015-10-13 12:06 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\private\geom2d.rights
文件 3480 2016-02-13 20:26 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\private\intersectLinePolygon.m
文件 3149 2016-02-13 20:15 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\private\intersectLines.m
文件 2960 2016-02-13 20:15 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\private\linePosition.m
文件 9091 2016-02-22 09:01 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+impl\raycastInternal.m
文件 82944 2016-07-22 20:33 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\aStar.mexw64
文件 154 2014-11-06 14:15 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\aStar.rights
文件 103936 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\calculateRanges.mexw64
文件 1357 2015-10-13 12:06 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\geom2d.rights
文件 37888 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\inflate_int16.mexw64
文件 33792 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\inflate_logical.mexw64
文件 41984 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\motionModelUpdate.mexw64
文件 60928 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\raycast.mexw64
文件 93696 2016-07-22 20:32 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\+mex\raycastCells.mexw64
文件 4394 2016-04-19 09:04 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\AccessMCL.m
文件 884 2014-11-07 13:26 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\aStar.m
文件 757 2015-04-23 12:09 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\bisectAngles.m
文件 1256 2016-02-19 13:12 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\calculateRanges.m
文件 789 2016-04-19 09:04 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\checkLineCollision.m
文件 1014 2016-03-04 14:33 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\closestPointOnLine.m
文件 626 2015-12-04 15:52 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\diskstrel.m
文件 1977 2016-02-29 16:38 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\getCodegenArguments.m
文件 322 2015-12-24 10:56 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\GridAccess.m
文件 780 2016-01-21 15:06 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\inflate.m
文件 1110 2016-02-29 16:36 robotics\robotalgs\+robotics\+algs\+internal\motionModelUpdate.m
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