function add_noise
% Incorporate the source level and the noise level to an existing set of
% time series
% The receiver timeseries is read from a file and assumed to be based on a
% 0 dB source.
% mbp 4/09
clear all
pcmFileRoot = ‘2211_Sd_100_Arr‘; % output file
%pcmFileRoot =‘autec_V4kts‘; % output file
% read a clean packet for use as a marker
STSFIL = ‘../sample_band-A_pkt-2_2frames.wav‘
[ stsTemp sample_rate ] = wavread( STSFIL );
sts = stsTemp( 1 : 2 : 5*96000 ); % sub-sample down to 48000/s
% WHOI micromodem band A
fc = 10000;
BW = 10000;
flow = fc - BW / 2;
fhigh = fc + BW / 2;
T = 5; % packets of 5 seconds each
fs = 48000;
deltat = 1 / fs;
SLdB = [ 185 185 ]; % source level in dB (total power)
SL = 10.^( SLdB / 20 );
AdB = linspace( 30 50 2 ); % noise amplitude in dB (PSD not total power)
A = sqrt( 2 ) * sqrt( fhigh - flow ) * 10.^( AdB / 20 );
% generate the noise time series (filtered gaussian random noise)
% noise_ts is a matrix with each column having the noise vector as a
% different power level
noise_ts = makenoise( fc BW T fs ) * A;
% summary
disp( ‘*** Noise ***‘ )
disp( ‘Power spectral density = ‘ )
disp( AdB )
disp( ‘Total power =‘ )
disp( 20 * log10( A ) - 3 )
% check using norm
disp( ‘Total power calculated directly from timeseries =‘ )
disp( 20 * log10( norm( noise_ts ) * sqrt( deltat ) ) - 10 * log10( T ) )
for ird = 1 : 20 % length( Pos.r.depth );
disp( ird )
eval( [ ‘load ‘ pcmFileRoot ‘_Rd_‘ num2str( ird ) ] );
for ir = 1 : 100 % length( Pos.r.range );
rts = rtsmat( : ir ); % extract the timeseries for this particular receiver
rts = rts * SL + noise_ts; % incorporate source level and noise level
for iNL = 1 : length( A ) % loop over noise levels
% write to file
pcmfile = [ pcmFileRoot ‘_NL_‘ num2str( AdB( iNL ) ) ‘.pcm‘ ];
if ( ird == 1 && ir == 1 )
fid_out = fopen( pcmfile ‘w‘ ‘ieee-le‘ );
% write marker packet (used to know when modem starts
% processing)
fwrite( fid_out 2^15 * 0.95 * sts / max( abs( sts ) ) ‘int16‘ );
fid_out = fopen( pcmfile ‘a‘ ‘ieee-le‘ );
if ( fid_out == -1 )
error(‘Can‘‘t open PCM file for output.‘);
fwrite( fid_out 2^15 * 0.95 * rts( : iNL ) / max( abs( rts( : iNL ) ) ) ‘int16‘ );
fclose( fid_out );
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 3351797 2017-03-02 14:10 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\635992022732796984.zip
文件 24580 2015-04-29 11:10 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\.DS_Store
文件 6148 2015-04-29 11:12 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\.DS_Store
文件 6739 2015-01-21 11:16 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\angleMod.f90
文件 17680 2014-05-08 17:13 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\ArrMod.f90
文件 22986 2015-03-02 14:50 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\bdry3DMod.f90
文件 15183 2014-08-21 11:31 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\bdryMod.f90
文件 40741 2014-11-29 17:44 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\bellhop.f90
文件 77644 2015-03-18 15:15 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\bellhop3D.f90
文件 2200 2013-01-29 14:49 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\bellhopMod.f90
文件 34131 2015-04-27 17:01 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\influence.f90
文件 32107 2013-02-07 18:45 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\influence3D.f90
文件 5274 2013-01-11 17:11 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\influence3DCerveny.f90
文件 1813 2013-07-18 17:46 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\Makefile
文件 1026 2011-05-17 18:55 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\MakefileO
文件 17740 2015-04-27 17:13 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\read.me
文件 23804 2014-07-02 07:50 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\readin.f90
文件 8813 2011-11-04 18:48 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\splined.f90
文件 8744 2011-05-08 14:44 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\spliner.f90
文件 31869 2015-03-03 15:04 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\Bellhop\sspMod.f90
文件 6148 2013-11-25 16:49 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\.DS_Store
文件 4507 2014-02-12 16:09 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\ATI_BTY_File.htm
文件 4908 2006-04-06 19:09 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\bart.htm
文件 28844 2014-02-12 16:18 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\bellhop.htm
文件 28719 2014-02-12 16:18 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\bellhop3d.htm
文件 11531 2014-07-02 08:04 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\bounce.htm
文件 30192 2012-12-18 16:21 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\EnvironmentalFile.html
文件 27161 2011-10-20 08:39 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\field.htm
文件 35334 2014-06-10 16:19 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\field3d.htm
文件 12942 2011-10-20 08:38 BELLHOP水声信道仿真Matlab源码\at\doc\fields.htm
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