
% This m-file demoes the usage of SIFT functions. It generates SIFT keypionts and descriptors for one input image.
% Author: Yantao Zheng. Nov 2006. For Project of CS5240
% Add subfolder path.
img1_dir = ‘demo-data\‘;
img1_file = ‘image068.jpg‘;
I1=imreadbw([img1_dir img1_file]) ;
I1_rgb = imread([img1_dir img1_file]) ;
I1=imresize(I1 [240 320]);
I1_rgb =imresize(I1_rgb [240 320]);
I1=I1-min(I1(:)) ;
I1=I1/max(I1(:)) ;
%fprintf(‘CS5240 -- SIFT: Match image: Computing frames and descriptors.\n‘) ;
[frames1descr1gss1dogss1] = do_sift( I1 ‘Verbosity‘ 1 ‘NumOctaves‘ 4 ‘Threshold‘ 0.1/3/2 ) ; %0.04/3/2
figure(11) ; clf ; plotss(dogss1) ; colormap gray ;
drawnow ;
figure(2) ; clf ;
imshow(I1_rgb) ; axis image ;
hold on ;
h=plotsiftframe( frames1 ) ; set(h‘LineWidth‘1‘Color‘‘g‘) ;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
....... 14060 2003-02-17 17:45 SIFT1\SIFT1\demo-data\image068.JPG
....... 13579 2003-02-17 17:45 SIFT1\SIFT1\demo-data\image069.JPG
....... 578897 2003-04-25 15:36 SIFT1\SIFT1\demo-data\ob
....... 574557 2003-04-25 15:36 SIFT1\SIFT1\demo-data\ob
....SH. 71680 2006-11-20 14:22 SIFT1\SIFT1\demo-data\Thumbs.db
....... 5290 2006-11-17 16:25 SIFT1\SIFT1\desc
文件 858 2015-10-21 10:57 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_demo_1.m
....... 2126 2006-11-20 13:20 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_demo_2.asv
....... 1189 2006-11-20 14:15 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_demo_2.m
....... 1171 2006-11-20 14:18 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_demo_3.m
....... 1186 2006-11-20 15:30 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_demo_4.m
....... 3972 2006-11-20 14:06 SIFT1\SIFT1\do_sift.m
....... 3799 2006-11-15 17:16 SIFT1\SIFT1\key-location\do_extrefine.m
....... 1992 2006-11-17 20:23 SIFT1\SIFT1\key-location\do_localmax.asv
....... 1991 2006-11-17 20:26 SIFT1\SIFT1\key-location\do_localmax.m
....... 140 2006-05-04 11:43 SIFT1\SIFT1\main.m
....... 4748 2006-11-15 15:36 SIFT1\SIFT1\match\do_match.asv
....... 4879 2006-11-20 14:55 SIFT1\SIFT1\match\do_match.m
....... 2366 2006-11-17 13:55 SIFT1\SIFT1\orientation\do_orientation.m
....... 2387 2006-11-20 14:33 SIFT1\SIFT1\README.txt
....... 2387 2006-11-20 14:11 SIFT1\SIFT1\README.txt.bak
....... 464 2006-11-14 22:56 SIFT1\SIFT1\scale-space\do_diffofg.m
....... 2639 2006-11-14 22:58 SIFT1\SIFT1\scale-space\do_gaussian.m
....... 215 2006-11-14 22:59 SIFT1\SIFT1\scale-space\smooth.m
....... 1637 2006-11-14 15:26 SIFT1\SIFT1\sift_demo.m
....... 359 2006-11-15 13:53 SIFT1\SIFT1\util\appendimages.m
....... 301 2006-11-16 14:07 SIFT1\SIFT1\util\imreadbw.m
....... 3408 2006-11-17 15:36 SIFT1\SIFT1\util\plotsiftdesc
....... 1853 2006-11-20 15:19 SIFT1\SIFT1\util\plotsiftfr
....... 640 2006-11-20 15:19 SIFT1\SIFT1\util\plotss.m
- 上一篇:Simuli
nk仿真模糊PID - 下一篇:小麦亩穗数的图像处理
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