function dst = BEMD(srcabcde)
% BEMD This program calculates the Bidimensional EMD of a 2-d signal using
% the process of sifting. It is dependent on the function SIFT.
% Assigning the initial values of ‘h‘ (data for sifting) and ‘k‘ (imf index)
h_func = src;
% The process of Sifting
% figureimshow(orig);
[imf_temp residue_temp] = sift(h_func);
imf_matrix(::k) = imf_temp; %#ok
k = k+1;
h_func = residue_temp;%余量图像
% Assigning the final residue to the last IMF index
imf_matrix(::k) = residue_temp;%4个IMF图像和一个余量图像
% orig =orig-residue_temp;
% orig =imf_matrix(::1)+imf_matrix(::2)+imf_matrix(::3);
dst =a*imf_matrix(::1)+b*imf_matrix(::2)+c*imf_matrix(::3)+d*imf_matrix(::4)+e*imf_matrix(::5);
% orig =orig+h_f;
% End of BEMD Computation
% subplot(321)imshow(cast(imf_matrix(::1) ‘uint8‘));
% subplot(322)imshow(cast(imf_matrix(::2) ‘uint8‘));
% subplot(323)imshow(cast(imf_matrix(::3) ‘uint8‘));
% subplot(324)imshow(cast(imf_matrix(::4) ‘uint8‘));
% subplot(325)imshow(cast(imf_matrix(::5) ‘uint8‘));
% figure(2)imshow(cast(dst ‘uint8‘));
% figureimshow(cast(imf_matrix(::1) ‘int8‘));
% figureimshow(cast(imf_matrix(::2) ‘int8‘));
% figureimshow(cast(imf_matrix(::3) ‘int8‘));
% figureimshow(cast(imf_matrix(::4) ‘int8‘));
% figureimshow(cast(imf_matrix(::5) ‘int8‘));
% %subplot(324)imshow(imf_matrix(::4));
% % subplot(325)imshow(imf_matrix(::5));
% orig=cast(orig ‘int8‘);
%figureimshow(im );
% figureimshow(orig);
function [ h_imf residue ] = sift( input_image )
% This function sifts for a single IMF of the given 2D signal input
% Pre-processing
[len bre] = size(input_image);
x = 1:len;
y = 1:bre;
input_image_temp = input_image;
% Finding the extrema in the 2D signal
[zmax imax zmin imin] = extrema2(input_image_temp);
[xmax ymax] = ind2sub(size(input_image_temp)imax);
[xmin ymin] = ind2sub(size(input_image_temp)imin);
% Interpolating the extrema to get the extrema suraces
[zmaxgrid ~ ~] = gridfit(ymaxxmaxzmaxyx);
[zmingrid ~ ~] = gridfit(yminxminzminyx);
% Averaging the extrema to get the Zavg surface
zavggrid = (zmaxgrid + zmingrid)/2;
% Computation of the h_imf (IMF for the ‘h‘ input)
h_imf = input_image_temp - zavggrid;
% Computing IMF cost
eps = 0.00000001;
num = sum(sum((h_imf-input_image_temp).^2));
den = sum(sum((input_image_temp).^2)) + eps;
cost = num/den;
% Checking the IMF accuracy
if cost<0.2
input_image_temp = h_imf;
% Computation of the Residue after IMF computation
residue = input_image - h_imf;
function [xmaximaxxminimin] = extrema(x)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-12-31 10:09 FCN\
文件 48213 2017-12-30 13:30 FCN\BEMD.m
文件 4742 2017-12-30 14:24 FCN\BEMDFCM.m
文件 1779 2017-12-28 14:31 FCN\C_MEANS.m
文件 2693 2017-12-29 14:34 FCN\FCM_.m
文件 4998 2017-12-29 21:09 FCN\GFCM.m
文件 858 2017-12-29 09:31 FCN\GmrfPara_1Order_Estimat.m
文件 959 2017-12-29 09:31 FCN\GmrfPara_2Order_Estimat.m
文件 1151 2017-12-29 09:59 FCN\GmrfPara_3Order_Estimat.m
文件 1357 2017-12-29 10:06 FCN\GmrfPara_4Order_Estimat.m
文件 1465 2017-12-29 10:08 FCN\GmrfPara_5Order_Estimat.m
文件 586 2017-12-31 10:02 FCN\main.m
目录 0 2017-12-31 10:13 FCN\picture\
文件 53382 2008-02-27 10:15 FCN\picture\1.bmp
文件 58134 2008-04-11 08:54 FCN\picture\10.bmp
文件 69750 2008-04-11 08:54 FCN\picture\11.bmp
文件 34158 2008-04-11 09:04 FCN\picture\12.bmp
文件 38854 2008-04-11 09:10 FCN\picture\13.bmp
文件 72882 2008-04-11 09:22 FCN\picture\14.bmp
文件 53366 2008-04-11 09:36 FCN\picture\15.bmp
文件 31026 2008-04-11 09:41 FCN\picture\16.bmp
文件 29622 2008-04-11 09:43 FCN\picture\17.bmp
文件 27894 2008-04-11 09:48 FCN\picture\18.bmp
文件 55714 2008-04-11 09:52 FCN\picture\19.bmp
文件 147278 2008-02-27 10:15 FCN\picture\2.bmp
文件 101958 2008-04-11 10:08 FCN\picture\20.bmp
文件 109058 2008-02-27 10:15 FCN\picture\3.bmp
文件 62554 2008-04-07 16:56 FCN\picture\4.bmp
文件 197670 2008-04-07 16:57 FCN\picture\5.bmp
文件 270406 2008-04-07 16:58 FCN\picture\6.bmp
文件 21030 2009-03-27 09:40 FCN\picture\7.bmp
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