% This code is written by Gaofeng MENG
% Gaofeng MENG:
% National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
% Institute of Automation Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190
% Comments and bug reports are welcome. Email to gfmeng@nlpr.ia.ac.cn
% This code has been compiled and tested by using MATLAB R2009a
% For more detials please see our paper:
% Gaofeng MENG Ying WANG Jiangyong DUAN Shiming XIANG Chunhong PAN.
% Efficient Image Dehazing with Boundary Constraint and Contextual Regularization
% ICCV Sydney Australia pp.617-624 3-6 Dec. 2013.
% Last Modified: Feb. 14 2014 By Gaofeng MENG
function A = Airlight(HazeImg method wsz)
% estimating the global airlight
if strcmp(method ‘manual‘)
h = figure imshow(HazeImg []);
title(‘manual airlight estimation: left click to pick a most hazy pixel. ‘)
[x y] = ginput(1);
A = HazeImg(round(y) round(x) :);
A = double(A) -1;
A = min(A 255);
elseif strcmp(method ‘he‘)
A = airlight_he(HazeImg wsz);
elseif strcmp(method ‘our‘)
A = airlight_our(HazeImg wsz);
error(‘parameter error.‘);
function A = airlight_our(HazeImg wsz)
% estimating A channel by channel separately
for k = 1 : 3
minImg = ordfilt2(double(HazeImg(: : k)) 1 ones(wsz) ‘symmetric‘);
A(k) = max(minImg(:));
function A = airlight_he(HazeImg wsz)
% estimating A using He‘s method
hsv = rgb2hsv(HazeImg);
GrayImg = hsv(: : 3);
[nRows nCols bt] = size(HazeImg);
% computing dark channel
DarkImg = min(double(HazeImg) [] 3);
DarkImg = ordfilt2(DarkImg 1 ones(wsz) ‘symmetric‘);
topDark = sort(DarkImg(:) ‘descend‘);
idx = round(0.001 * length(topDark));
val = topDark(idx);
id_set = find(DarkImg >= val); % the top 0.1% brightest pixels in the dark channel
BrightPxls = GrayImg(id_set);
iBright = find(BrightPxls >= max(BrightPxls));
id = id_set(iBright); id = id(1);
row = mod(id nRows);
col = floor(id / nRows) + 1;
% A is a vector
A = HazeImg(row col :);
A = double(A(:));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2165 2014-02-17 09:51 dehaze_code\Airlight.m
文件 1469 2014-02-17 09:51 dehaze_code\Boundcon.m
文件 2913 2014-02-17 09:51 dehaze_code\CalTransmission.m
文件 1375311 2014-12-16 12:48 dehaze_code\dehaze.pdf
文件 1185 2014-02-17 09:51 dehaze_code\Dehazefun.m
文件 1524 2015-04-10 11:00 dehaze_code\demo.m
文件 199545 2011-08-19 14:08 dehaze_code\examples\sam_1.bmp
目录 0 2015-06-02 21:11 dehaze_code\examples
目录 0 2015-01-08 20:42 dehaze_code
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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