模拟调制的实现,FM AM ssb dsb vsb
% Removing all variables functions and MEX-files from memory leaving the
% workspace empty.
clear all
% Deleting all figures whose handles are not hidden.
close all
% Deleting all figures including those with hidden handles.
close all hidden
% Clearing all input and output from the Command Window display giving us a clean screen.
% Creating an analog input object ‘ai‘.
ai = analoginput (‘winsound‘);
% Adding a hardware channel to an analog input object ‘ai‘.
channel_1 = addchannel (ai1‘channel_1‘);
% Specifying the per-channel rate (in samples/second) that the analog input ‘ai‘
% subsystem converts data. ‘ai‘ subsystems convert analog data to digital
% data.
ai.SampleRate = 8000;
% Time interval for recording speech signal.
Duration = 5;
% Setting object ‘ai‘ properties.
set (ai‘TriggerChannel‘channel_1);
set (ai‘TriggerType‘‘Software‘);
set (ai‘TriggerCondition‘‘Falling‘);
set (ai‘TriggerConditionValue‘0.001);
set(ai ‘SamplesPerTrigger‘ Duration * 8000);
% Halting execution temporarily for certain time.
pause (Duration);
% Extracting data time and event information from the data acquisition
% engine. The given command returns data as sample-time pairs. Time is an
% m-by-1 array of reltive time values where m is the number of samples
% returned. Relative time is measured with respect to the first sample
% loged by the data acquisition engine.
[data time] = getdata (ai);
% Plotting the data sequence ‘data‘ at the values specified in ‘time‘.
stem (timedata);
% Acquiring data from an analog input device.
while (strcmp(ai.Running‘On‘))
% Deleting analog input object ‘ai‘.
delete (ai);
% Assigning acquired data to a variable ‘x‘.
x = data;
% Fs is the sampling rate.
Fs = 8000;
% Defining carrier frequency ‘Fc‘.
Fc = 500;
% Generating a carrier signal ‘Cs‘ through linearly spaced vectors.
Cs = cos(linspace (02*pi*FcDuration*8000));
% Creating an analog output object ‘ao‘.
ao = analogoutput(‘winsound‘);
% Adding a hardware channel to an analog output object ‘ao‘.
channel_2 = addchannel(ao1);
% Applying the amplitude modulation concept to variable ‘x‘ by multiplying
% it with carrier signal ‘Cs‘ after taking transpose.
% AmpMod = amod(xFcFs‘amdsb-sc‘numden);(ALTERNATIVE APPROACH)
AmpMod = x‘.*Cs;
% Demodulating the signal.
% DeAmpMod = (1/2).*(ademod(AmpModFcFs‘amdsb-sc‘numden));
DeAmpMod = AmpMod.*Cs;
% Designing butterworth low pass filter.
[numden] = butter(2.8);
FilteredOutput = filter(numdenDeAmpMod);
% Plotting the input speech signal ‘data‘.
axis normal;
grid on;
title(‘Initial Speech Signal‘);
ylabel(‘Speech Signal‘);
% Plotting the modulated speech signal ‘AmpMod‘.
axis normal;
title(‘Modulated Speech Signal‘)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 636416 2009-11-24 08:40 MATLAB编程与系统仿真.ppt
文件 25600 2009-11-30 16:03 MATLAB综合实验.doc
文件 39336 2009-12-31 11:29 MATLAB\AM-FM-modulation.rar
文件 3779 2004-10-21 03:11 MATLAB\Amplitude_Modulation.m
文件 449 2002-08-03 01:34 MATLAB\FM.m
文件 1074 2009-12-31 11:28 MATLAB\FM.zip
文件 1515 2009-12-31 15:51 MATLAB\FMdemod.asv
文件 1515 2009-12-31 15:55 MATLAB\FMdemod.m
文件 4132 2004-11-08 19:23 MATLAB\Frequency_Modulation1.m
文件 42442 2008-06-15 22:30 MATLAB\loadFile.do.htm
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