大小: 2.99MB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2024-01-05
- 语言: Matlab
- 标签: Biclustering 双聚类
双聚类算法 , 解决了传统聚类在对高维数据时遇到的瓶颈问题;文件包含了最常用的CC,FLOC,BiMax,OPSM,Plaid,SAMBA,xMOTIFs,LAS,Spectral CoClustering (Biclustering) 等多种双聚类代码,并注有代码对应的文献。
function v = additiveVariance(x resultSet number dimension)
% Preliminary measure of additive coherence of a bicluster
% S. C. Madeira A. L. Oliveira
% Biclustering algorithms for biological data analysis: a survey.
% IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform. 2004 Jan-Mar ;1(1):24-45.
% Inputs
% x - The data matrix from which biclusters were identified
% resultSet - The bicluster result calculated from the data matrix
% number - The number(index) of bicluster within the result.
% dimension - ‘both‘: overall variance
% ‘row‘ : row variance
% ‘col‘ : column variance
% Output
% v - Corresponding variance of genes/conditions as the average of the
% sum of euclidean distances between all rows and/or columns of the
% bicluster.
% See Also: dif
% Author: Jayesh Kumar Gupta 2013.
% Contact: Jayesh Kumar Gupta http://home.iitk.ac.in/~jayeshkg
% Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur India
if nargin<4
dimension = ‘both‘;
rows = resultSet.Clust(number).rows;
cols = resultSet.Clust(number).cols;
A = x(rowscols);
if strcmp(dimension both)
rv = variance(dif(A2));
cv = variance(dif(A)2);
[n m] = size(A);
v = (n.*rv+m.*cv)./(n+m);
if strcmp(dimension ‘row‘) v = variance(dif(A2)2); % Same as Matlab way
elseif strcmp(dimension ‘col‘) v = variance(dif(A)1);
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