% % End-member modelling script
% % by E. Dietze A. Borchers & K. Hartmann (2009/2010)
% % Preconditions of input data:
% % grain size classes as variables in columns withheader row in 1st row
% % samples in rows with header column as 1st column
% % optional water depth (or e.g. depth in core) in 2nd column
% % Locations of necessary parameters
% % 1. Constant sum value: c line 34
% % 2. Percentile weight for scaling and transformation: l line 43
% % 3. Loop (9A) to find optimal EMmodel: start line 90 end line 202
% % Alternative: number of end-members for manual choice (9B): q line 94.
% % If 9A is active put loop lines 90 and 202 in comment(%)(also lines 204
% % to 231) and remove comment signs from line 234 on
% % 4. Visualisation steps (no. 20 and 21 to 22) only reasonable for loop
% % routine (9A) and manually chosen end-member number (9B) respectively%%
clear all
data = load(‘WLG Surface sample GS 001.txt‘); % data import including labels
X = data(2:end 3:end);
[mn] = size(X); % size of the matrix
% X: (mxn) matrix with original data
% m rows: observations (e.g. sample ID/ sites/ depths)
% n columns: variables (e.g. phi classes of grain sizes)
% for labelling
phi = data(13:end)‘; % variables
dcs = data(2:end1); % observations
depth = data(2:end2); % additional information from sampling
% Scaling of data to constant sum
c = 100;
% c: scalar value of constant sum
for j = 1:m
X(j:) = X(j:) / sum(X(j:)‘) * c;
% X: matrix with data scaled to constant sum
%% 2. Weight transformation
l = 10;
% l: percentile weight after Manson & Imbrie (1964) Klovan & Imbrie (1971)
for i = 1:m
for j = 1:n
h = prctile(X(:j) l);
g = prctile(X(:j) 100-l);
W(ij) = (X(ij) - h) / (g - h);
% W: (mxn) matrix with weight transformed data
%% 3. Definition of the similarity matrix
A = W‘ * W;
% A: (mxm) matrix Gamma i.e. minor product matrix after Weltje (1997)
%% 4. Extraction of the eigenspace (Reyment & J?reskog 1993)
[VD] = eig(A);
% V: (nxn) matrix with eigenvectors
% D: (nxn) matrix with eigenvalues in the diagonal
%% 5. Eigenvalues in column vector
L = diag(D);
% L: vector Lambda of size n which contains all eigenvalues from D
%% 6. Calculation of eigenvalue proportions
Ln = L / sum(L);
% Ln: vector Lambda normalised which gives the fraction of variance
% of the principal components
%% 7. Proportion of variance for decision on minimum number of eigenvectors
Lv = cumsum(flipud(Ln));
% Lv: vector Lambda cumulative with cumulative fractions of the
% eigenvector?s variance concerning the absolute variance of W
%% 8. A plot for visualisation of Lv
% serves for evaluating the proportions and how many eigenvectors are
% necessary for explaining a certain level of the data’s variance
tickstep = 1:1:n;
plot(tickstep Lv) xlabel(‘Number of eigenvectors‘)
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