%Use these next sections of code to initialize the required variables and System objects.
DrawPoly = 0; % Set to 0 to draw only lines 只标记车道线或是另外加入车道蓝色区域
NumRows = 120; % Number of rows in the image region to process.底部所取像素条数
MaxLaneNum = 20; % Maximum number of lanes to store in the tracking repository.
ExpLaneNum = 2; % Maximum number of lanes to find in the current frame.单帧内最多找车道条数
Rep_ref = zeros(ExpLaneNum MaxLaneNum); % Stored lines
Count_ref = zeros(1 MaxLaneNum); % Count of each stored line
TrackThreshold = 75; % Maximum allowable change of lane distance
% metric between two frames.阈值
LaneColors = single([0 0 0;1 1 0; 1 1 0; 1 1 1;1 1 1]);
% Minimum number of
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