% Function: [FVr_bestmemS_bestvalI_nfeval] = deopt(fnameS_struct)
% Author: Rainer Storn Ken Price Arnold Neumaier Jim Van Zandt
% Description: Minimization of a user-supplied function with respect to x(1:I_D)
% using the differential evolution (DE) algorithm.
% DE works best if [FVr_minboundFVr_maxbound] covers the region where the
% global minimum is expected. DE is also somewhat sensitive to
% the choice of the stepsize F_weight. A good initial guess is to
% choose F_weight from interval [0.5 1] e.g. 0.8. F_CR the crossover
% probability constant fr
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
....... 2190 2002-01-24 22:18 DeMat\Chebychev\objfun.m
....... 1453 2002-01-24 23:05 DeMat\Chebychev\PlotIt.m
....... 4972 2004-06-17 21:51 DeMat\Chebychev\Rundeopt.m
....... 15782 2004-06-17 21:53 DeMat\deopt.m
....... 1403 2002-03-14 22:43 DeMat\Eggholder\objfun.m
....... 2716 2004-01-26 23:03 DeMat\Eggholder\PlotIt.m
....... 3682 2004-06-17 21:51 DeMat\Eggholder\Rundeopt.m
....... 1803 2002-01-24 22:58 DeMat\left_win.m
....... 1407 2002-03-03 15:48 DeMat\Michalewicz\objfun.m
....... 2704 2004-01-26 23:07 DeMat\Michalewicz\PlotIt.m
....... 3742 2004-06-17 21:51 DeMat\Michalewicz\Rundeopt.m
....... 2190 2002-01-24 22:18 DeMat\objfun.m
....... 1298 2002-02-25 23:01 DeMat\Peaks\objfun.m
....... 2403 2002-03-03 15:00 DeMat\Peaks\PlotIt.m
....... 3582 2004-06-17 21:52 DeMat\Peaks\Rundeopt.m
....... 1453 2002-01-24 23:05 DeMat\PlotIt.m
....... 1713 2004-01-24 23:57 DeMat\Rastrigin\objfun.m
....... 2639 2004-01-26 23:04 DeMat\Rastrigin\PlotIt.m
....... 3711 2004-06-17 21:52 DeMat\Rastrigin\Rundeopt.m
....... 986 2007-03-06 22:17 DeMat\Readme_DeMat.txt
....... 1319 2002-02-08 22:24 DeMat\Rosenbrock\objfun.m
....... 2530 2002-03-03 15:09 DeMat\Rosenbrock\PlotIt.m
....... 3598 2004-06-17 21:52 DeMat\Rosenbrock\Rundeopt.m
....... 4972 2004-06-17 21:51 DeMat\Rundeopt.m
....... 512 2002-01-24 22:51 DeMat\step.m
....... 2103 2004-05-23 15:16 DeMat\Zimmermann\objfun.m
....... 1036 2004-05-23 15:08 DeMat\Zimmermann\PlotIt.m
....... 3647 2004-06-17 21:52 DeMat\Zimmermann\Rundeopt.m
目录 0 2007-03-12 09:44 DeMat\Chebychev
目录 0 2007-03-12 09:44 DeMat\Eggholder
- 上一篇:三层复值BP网络
- 下一篇:s7-200称重模块库
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