function [x P] = Fifth_degree_CKF(xhat Pplus z)
global Q R T m kesi_5 b_5 w2_5 w_5 w4_5;
%% --------------------------5th-degree CKF-----------------------
%% ---------------------------Time Update-------------------------
% Evaluate the Cholesky factor
Shat = chol(Pplus ‘lower‘);
for cpoint = 1 : b_5
% Evaluate thecubature points
rjpoint_5(: cpoint) = Shat * kesi_5(: cpoint) + xhat;
% Evaluate the propagated cubature points
fai3 = [1 sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 0 -(1 - ...
cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T)) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 0;
0 cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0 -sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0;
0 (1 - cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T)) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 1 ...
sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) / rj
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3274 2020-11-03 09:05 Fifth_degree_CKF.m
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