% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Chicken Swarm Optimization (CSO) (demo)
% Programmed by Xian-bing Meng
% Updated 25 Aug 2014.
% This is a simple demo version only implemented the basic
% idea of the CSO for solving the unconstrained problem namely Sphere function.
% The details about CSO are illustratred in the following paper.
% (Citation details):
% Xian-bing Meng Xiao-zhi Gao. A new bio-inspired algorithm: Chicken Swarm Optimization
% in: ICSI 2014 Part I LNCS 8794 pp. 86-94
% Email: x.b.meng12@gmail.com; xiao-zhi.gao@aalto.fi
% The parameters in CSO are presented as follows.
% fitness %
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 219489 2014-10-21 01:00 Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm\A new bio-inspired algorithm Chicken swarm optimization.pdf
文件 10530 2014-10-21 01:00 Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm\CSO.m
文件 1314 2014-10-21 01:00 license.txt
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