function [GtR] = GCC(mPxxPyyPxyFsframeN)
% Generalized Cross-Correlation with specified pre-whitening filter.
% Description: the GCC is computed with a pre-whitening filter onto the
% cross-power spectrum in order to weight the magnitude value
% against its SNR. The weighted CPS is used to obtain the
% cross-correlation in the time domain with an inverse Fourier
% transformation. The result is normalized between [-1 1].
% Usage : G = GCC(mPxxPyyPxy)
% [Gt] = GCC(mPxxPyyPxyFsframe)
% [Gt] = GCC(mPxxPyyPxyFsframeN)
% [GtR] = GCC(...)
% m pre-whitening filter type
% (‘Roth‘‘SCOT‘‘PHAT‘‘CPS-m‘‘HT‘‘unfiltered‘)
% PxxPyyPxy power spectra of the input signal. If PxxPyyPxy are
% matrices each column represent the power spectrum for the
% relative channel involved in the Pxy calculus:
% (i.e. Pxx contains power spectrum for channel (1) (1) (2)
% Pyy contains power spectrum for channel (2) (3) (3) so Pxy
% contains the cross power spetrum for the couples (12) (13)
% (23))
% Fs sampling frequency (Hz)
% frame length in samples of the input sequence from which were
% extracted the power spectra. It‘s used to compute the time
% ticks
% N [optional] FFT length. By default Pxy length
% G vector of GCC values
% matrix of GCC values on columns when Pxy is a matrix
% t [optional] vector with time ticks for the GCC
% [optional] vector of frequencies GCC values
% R matrix of frequencies GCC values where columns are GCC for
% the respective channel
% Author : Davide Renzi d.renzi@infocom.uniroma1.it
% INFOCOM Dept. University of Rome “La Sapienza“
% Version : 2.0
% Date : Rome June 2005
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% check input arguments
if nargout==1 & nargin<4
error(‘Wrong number of input arguments‘);
elseif nargout==2 & nargin<6
error(‘Wrong number of input arguments to compute time ticks‘);
elseif nargin<7
N = size(Pxy1);
% number of channels
Nchn = size(Pxy2);
% define pre-whitening filter
switch lower(m)
case ‘unfiltered‘
% Unfiltered Cross-Correlation (UCC)
% -----------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7002 2008-10-13 10:05 GCC.m
文件 1001 2014-08-12 11:06 广义互相关.m
- average_dwell_time 基于平均驻留时间的线
- time-frequency 时频分析
- Time-domain-index-calculation 信号的时域指
- time-vari-meshing-stiffness
- seisrectime[1] 地震模型正演程序
- ofdm-offset--synchronisation 一个ofdm的matl
- CorrelationCoefficient 有关于求取图像相关
- Time-series-prediction-with-anfis
- Wavelet-network-timeseries 使用小波神经网
- GCC_PHAT 通过广义互相关函数GCC求信号
- time-frequency-feature 此代码用于故障诊断
- time_varied_stiffness 一个齿轮时变啮合刚
- timedelay 时延估计源代码
- GCCbijiao5db 在5db信噪比下
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