
% clc
clear all;
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘Image denoising using Curvelets -wrapping‘);
% for i=1:21 %sigma=5*(i-1)
% disp(‘ ‘);
% disp(‘Denoising is achieved by hard-thresholding of the curvelet coefficients.‘);
% disp(‘We select the thresholding at 3*sigma_jl for all but the finest scale‘);
% disp(‘where it is set at 4*sigmajl; here sigma_jl is the noise level of a‘);
% disp(‘coefficient at scale j and angle l (equal to the noise level times‘);
% disp(‘the l2 norm of the corresponding curvelet). There are many ways to compute‘);
% disp(‘the sigma_jl‘‘s e.g. by computing the norm of each individual curvelet‘);
% disp(‘and in this demo we do an exact computation by applying a forward curvelet‘);
% disp(‘transform on an image containing a delta function at its center.‘);
% disp(‘ ‘);
% fdct_wrapping_demo_denoise.m -- Image denoising using Curvelets
% ORZ_1 = double(imread(‘Lena512.png‘));
% y = im2double(imread(‘house.png‘))
% %-------------------读取原始地震信号1----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘Marshot3400_512_512.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[512512]‘float32‘));
% % %-------------------读取原始地震信号2----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘Marmousi256-256.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号2
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[256256]‘float32‘));
% % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.1----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘DouIN180-96_128-128.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.1
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[128128]‘float32‘));
% % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.2----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘Marshot3400_128-128.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.2
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[128128]‘float32‘));
% % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.4----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘Marshot3400_256_256.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.4 海洋
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[256256]‘float32‘));
% % % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.3----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘land_128-128.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.3 陆地
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[128128]‘float32‘));
% % % % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.3.2----------------------real
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘real\real-178_128-128.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.3 陆地
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[128128]‘float32‘));
% % % % %------------------读取原始地震信号1.6.1---------Marmousi % 0\194
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘Marmousi\Marmousi-194-44_256-256.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.6 陆地
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[256256]‘float32‘));
% % % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1.4----------land 0\128\256\384\512\620
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘data\land\land751-512_128-128.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1.4 陆地
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[128128]‘float32‘));
% % %-------------------读取原始地震信号1----------------------
% [fidferr_message]=fopen(‘DouIN180-96.DAT‘‘rb‘); %地震信号1
% ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[18096]‘float32‘));
% % % ---------+++------读取原始地震信号5.1------------------------
[fidferr_message]=fopen(‘real-550_200.DAT‘‘rb‘);%地震信号5.1 陆地实际
ORZ_1 = double(fread(fid[550200]‘float32‘));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-06-26 18:56 curvelet\
文件 7925 2017-06-26 20:47 curvelet\demo_fdct_wrapping_denoise.m
文件 15443 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping.m
文件 1304 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_basic.m
文件 3880 2016-08-09 10:51 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_denoise.m
文件 8339 2016-06-30 19:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_denoise_enhanced.m
文件 1521 2012-03-13 08:42 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_disp.m
文件 1338 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_recon.m
文件 2063 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_demo_wave.m
文件 1919 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_dispcoef.m
文件 8647 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_param.m
文件 785 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_pos2idx.m
文件 751 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\fdct_wrapping_window.m
文件 16277 2012-03-13 03:21 curvelet\ifdct_wrapping.m
文件 10021 2016-07-30 11:18 curvelet\SoftThreshCurv.m
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