OPC 基金组织公开的最新OPC Server 4.0 for .NET,是开发OPC难得的开源项目

* Copyright © 2009 2010 2011 2012 OPC Foundation Inc.
* The source code and all binaries built with the OPC .NET 3.0 source
* code are subject to the terms of the Express Interface Public
* License (Xi-PL). See http://www.opcfoundation.org/License/Xi-PL/
* The source code may be distributed from an OPC member company in
* its original or modified form to its customers and to any others who
* have software that needs to interoperate with the OPC member‘s OPC
* .NET 3.0 products. No other redistribution is permitted.
* You must not remove this notice or any other from this software.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace Xi.Common.Support
/// This class is used to properly close a WCF client proxy. It aborts or closes
/// the proxy based on the channel status and whether an exception is encountered.
/// It has two calling methods one where the proxy has a short life and the other
/// to be used when the proxy is held over the life of a single method.
/// Usage 1: Short lived proxy
/// void SomeMethod()
/// {
/// SomeWcfProxy proxy = new SomeWcfProxy();
/// using (new ChannelCloser(proxy))
/// {
/// proxy.MakeCall();
/// ...
/// }
/// }
/// Usage 2: Long lived proxy
/// void CreateProxy()
/// {
/// SomeWcfProxy proxy = new SomeWcfProxy();
/// ...
/// }
/// void DestroyProxy()
/// {
/// ChannelCloser.Close(proxy);
/// }
public class ChannelCloser : IDisposable
private readonly ICommunicationobject _channel;
/// Constructs a WCF channel closer object
/// WCF proxy object
public ChannelCloser(object channelObj)
if (!(channelObj is ICommunicationobject))
throw new ArgumentException(“Channel object must implement ICommunicationobject“);
_channel = (ICommunicationobject)channelObj;
/// Properly releases and closes the held WCF proxy
public void Dispose()
/// This method closes the passed proxy object
public static void Close(object obj)
if (obj != null)
var channelObj = obj as ICommunicationobject;
if (channelObj == null)
throw new ArgumentException(“Channel object must implement ICommunicationobject“ “obj“);
// if the channel faults you cannot Close/Dispose it - instead you have to Abort it
if (channelObj.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
else if (channelObj.State != CommunicationState.Closed)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-09-06 15:02 Xi Contracts\Data\
文件 2551 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AddDataob
文件 3106 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmCondition.cs
文件 2444 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmDesc
文件 1479 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmEnabledState.cs
文件 2377 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmMessageData.cs
文件 2245 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmState.cs
文件 4931 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AlarmSummary.cs
文件 1410 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AliasAndCalculation.cs
文件 2115 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AliasResult.cs
文件 1957 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\AliasUpdate.cs
文件 3374 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\CategoryConfiguration.cs
文件 1924 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\DataJournalOptions.cs
文件 1402 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\DataJournalWriteResult.cs
文件 16674 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\DataValueArrays.cs
文件 11523 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\DataValueArraysWithAlias.cs
文件 4455 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EndpointConfiguration.cs
文件 2419 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EndpointConfigurationEx.cs
文件 3071 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EndpointDefinition.cs
文件 6029 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\ErrorInfo.cs
文件 2870 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EventId.cs
文件 1436 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EventIdResult.cs
文件 4744 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EventMessage.cs
文件 2206 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EventMessageField.cs
文件 3677 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\EventType.cs
文件 4774 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\FilterCriterion.cs
文件 3792 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\FilterSet.cs
文件 3201 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\FindCriteria.cs
文件 14513 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\InstanceId.cs
文件 2378 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\JournalDataChangedValues.cs
文件 1799 2012-09-06 11:33 Xi Contracts\Data\JournalDataPropertyValue.cs
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