Experiment 2 Europe by Rail RailSystem.cpp 可运行

#include “RailSystem.h“
#define INT_MAX 2147483647
void RailSystem::reset(void) {
// TODO: reset the data objects of the
// City objects‘ contained in cities
map::iterator it = cities.begin();
while (it != cities.end())
it->second->total_distance = 0;
it->second->total_fee = 0;
it->second->visited = false;
it->second->from_city = ““;
it ++;
RailSystem::RailSystem(string const &filename) {
void RailSystem::load_services(string const &filename) {
ifstream inf(filename.c_str());
string from to;
int fee distance;
if ( inf.good() ) {
// Read in the from city to city the fee and distance.
inf >> from >> to >> fee >> distance;
while ( inf.good() ) {
// TODO: Add entries in the cities container and
// and services in the rail system for the new
// cities we read in.
string targe = from;
list serviceList;
//put the info into the same city
while (targe == from)
Service * newService = new Service(to fee distance);
if (inf.good())
inf >> from >> to >> fee >> distance;
from = ““;
//put the city connection into the map.
outgoing_services.insert(pair >(targe serviceList));
map >::iterator it = outgoing_services.begin();
//give info to the cities.
while (it != outgoing_services.end())
City * newCity = new City(it->first);
cities.insert(pair(it->first newCity));
RailSystem::~RailSystem(void) {
// TODO: release all the City* and Service*
// from cities and outgoing_services
map >::iterator it_serviceList = outgoing_services.begin();
while (it_serviceList != outgoing_services.end())
list::iterator it_service = it_serviceList->second.begin();
while (it_service != it_serviceList->second.end())
delete *it_service;
map::iterator it_city = cities.begin();
while (it_city != cities.end())
delete it_city->second;
void RailSystem::output_cheapest_route(const string& from
const string& to ostream& out) {
pair totals = calc_route(from to);
if (totals.first == INT_MAX) {
out << “There is no route from “ << from << “ to “ << to << “\n“;
} else {
out << “The cheapest route from “ << from << “ to “ << to << “\n“;
out << “costs “ << totals.first << “ euros and spans “ << totals.second
<< “ kilometers\n“;
cout << recover_route(to) << “\n\n“;
bool RailSystem::is_valid_cit
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 6599 2017-06-19 16:17 实验源代码2\RailSystem.cpp
目录 0 2017-06-23 21:50 实验源代码2
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6599 2
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