
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import random
from collections import Counter
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
‘I‘m super man‘
[‘I‘ ‘‘m‘ ‘super‘‘man‘ ]
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
pos_file = ‘pos.txt‘
neg_file = ‘neg.txt‘
# 创建词汇表
def create_lexicon(pos_file neg_file):
lex = []
# 读取文件
def process_file(f):
with open(pos_file ‘r‘errors=‘ignore‘) as f:
lex = []
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
words = word_tokenize(line.lower())
lex += words
return lex
lex += process_file(pos_file)
lex += process_file(neg_file)
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
lex = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in lex] # 词形还原 (cats->cat)
word_count = Counter(lex)
# {‘.‘: 13944 ‘‘: 10536 ‘the‘: 10120 ‘a‘: 9444 ‘and‘: 7108 ‘of‘: 6624 ‘it‘: 4748 ‘to‘: 3940......}
# 去掉一些常用词像thea and等等,和一些不常用词; 这些词对判断一个评论是正面还是负面没有做任何贡献
lex = []
for word in word_count:
if word_count[word] < 1000 and word_count[word] > 9: # 这写死了,好像能用百分比
lex.append(word) # 齐普夫定律-使用Python验证文本的Zipf分布 http://blog.topspeedsnail.com/archives/9546
return lex
lex = create_lexicon(pos_file neg_file)
# 把每条评论转换为向量 转换原理:
# 假设lex为[‘woman‘ ‘great‘ ‘feel‘ ‘actually‘ ‘looking‘ ‘latest‘ ‘seen‘ ‘is‘] 当然实际上要大的多
# 评论‘i think this movie is great‘ 转换为 [01000001] 把评论中出现的字在lex中标记,出现过的标记为1,其余标记为0
def normalize_dataset(lex):
dataset = []
# lex:词汇表;review:评论;clf:评论对应的分类,[01]代表负面评论 [10]代表正面评论
def string_to_vector(lex review clf):
words = word_tokenize(line.lower())
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words]
features = np.zeros(len(lex))
for word in words:
if word in lex:
features[lex.index(word)] = 1 # 一个句子中某个词可能出现两次可以用+=1,其实区别不大
return [features clf]
with open(pos_file ‘r‘errors=‘ignore‘) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
one_sample = string_to_vector(lex line [10]) # [array([ 0. 1. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]) [10]]
with open(neg_file ‘r‘errors=‘ignore‘) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
one_sample = string_to_vector(lex line [01]) # [array([ 0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]) [01]]]
return dataset
dataset = normalize_dataset(lex)
# 取样本中的10%做为测试数据
test_size = int(len(dataset) * 0.1)
dataset = np.array(dataset) # 列表转换为矩阵
train_dataset = dataset[:-test_size]
test_dataset = dataset[-test_size:]
# Feed-Forward Neural Network
# 定义每个层有多少‘神经元‘‘
n_input_layer = len(lex) # 输入层
n_layer_1 = 1000 # hide layer1
n_layer_2 = 1000 # hide layer2
n_output_layer = 2 # 输出层
# 定义待训练的神经网络
def neural_network
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-03-08 19:42 code\
文件 6214 2019-03-08 19:39 code\comment_classification.py
文件 612846 2018-02-08 22:50 code\neg.txt
文件 626757 2018-02-08 22:50 code\pos.txt
文件 164380 2019-03-08 19:41 code\注意事项.docx
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