高斯过程回归源码 及结果展示

% Calculates for xstar x-coordinates the bestEstimate and the 95%
% confidence interval (bounds) for a Gaussian process regression.
% Mark Ebden July 2008
% Inputs:
% k - a handle to the covariance function
% Xy - the training data x- and y-coordinates
% theta - the GP parameters to be passed to the covariance function
% (e.g. length scale periodicity etc.
% sigma_n - the noise (optional -- default 0)
% NOTE: sigma_n should be left as zero if k *already* includes the noise term as I usually do.
% xstar - specify the x-coordinates to solve for (optional -- default is
% to let the algorithm choose them)
% graphing - produce a plot of results (optional)
% Default is to plot the results unless the function outputs were asked for
% Outputs:
% xstar - x-coordinates (default 100 are chosen)
% K - covariance matrix among training data
% V - variance at each xstar
function [xstar bestEstimate bounds K V] = calcGP (k X y theta sigma_n xstar graphing)
if nargin < 7
if nargout == 0
graphing = 1;
graphing = 0;
if nargin < 6 || ~any(xstar)
r2 =(max(X)-min(X));
N = 1e3; % How many points to use
z = .5; % How much to extend the time series on either side (e.g. .5 is 50% extension on left and on right)
xstar = (0:N)/N * (z*2+1)*r2 + min(X)-r2*z;
if nargin < 5
sigma_n = 0;
if nargin < 4
theta = [1 0 1 0];
% a) Initializations
meany = mean(y); y = y - meany;
n = size(X1); lx = length(xstar);
K = zeros(n); kstar = zeros(n1);
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:n
K(ij) = k (X(i)X(j)theta);
fstarbar = zeros(lx1); V = zeros(lx1);
% b) One-off calculations
diags = max(1e3*eps sigma_n^2); % beef up the diagonal if sigma_n = 0
L = chol (K + diags*eye(n)‘lower‘);
alpha = L‘\(L\y);
logpyX = -y‘*alpha/2 - sum(log(diag(L))) - n*log(2*pi)/2; % Log marginal likelihood
% c) xstar loop
for q = 1:lx
for i = 1:n
kstar(i) = k (X(i)xstar(q)theta);
% Mean of prediction
fstarbar(q) = kstar‘ * alpha;
% Variance of prediction
v = L\kstar;
ystar_noise = sigma_n^2; % recall f* has no noise itself (Algorithm 2.1 on p 19 of H152)
V(q) = k (xstar(q)xstar(q)theta) - v‘*v + ystar_noise;
bounds = [fstarbar+1.96*sqrt(V) fstarbar-1.96*sqrt(V)]+meany;
bestEstimate = fstarbar+meany;
% d) Output
if graphing == 1
figure hold on
stdRegion (xstarbounds)
plot (xstarbestEstimate‘k‘)
plot (Xy+meany‘b+‘)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2919 2012-10-27 12:15 gaussian\GPtutorial.m
文件 2043 2011-03-31 11:51 gaussian\GPtutorialFcn.m
文件 509 2011-02-03 12:23 gaussian\hypSample.m
文件 1436 2010-11-09 18:03 gaussian\k_GP.m
文件 599 2012-10-27 12:16 gaussian\stdRegion.m
文件 2551 2012-04-27 14:23 gaussian\calcGP.m
目录 0 2014-03-13 15:35 gaussian
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
10057 7
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