
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace MyHong
public class Hong : EditorWindow
private AllDefine allDefine;
private AllChannel allChannel;
private bool isEditing = false;
private string[] currentArrCurrentPresetStr = new string[] { };//设置模式下绘制预设所用
private int currentChooseIndex;//设置模式下绘制预设所用
private Channel currentChannel;//设置模式下的暂时变量,因为应用过后才改变txt,所以定义一个暂时变量
private Vector2 currentScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;//当前滚轴的位置,绘制宏列表所用
private AllChannel tempAllChannel;//编辑模式下的temp
private string tempNotice = ““;//编辑模式下添加或者移除的 警告
private string tempInputName;//编辑模式下输入的名称
private Channel tempChannel;//编辑模式下的temp预设
private string[] tempArrCurrentPresetStr = new string[] { };//编辑模式下temp
private int tempCurrentChooseIndex;//编辑模式下的temp
private static void MenuInit()
Hong window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(“宏定义管理器“);
window.minSize = new Vector2(500 500);
void OnEnable()
TextAsset defineTextAsset = Resources.Load(“Define“);
TextAsset presetTextAsset = Resources.Load(“Channel“);
allDefine = JsonUtility.FromJson(defineTextAsset.text) ?? new AllDefine();
catch (Exception)
allDefine = new AllDefine();
allChannel = JsonUtility.FromJson(presetTextAsset.text) ?? new AllChannel();
catch (Exception)
allChannel = new AllChannel();
currentArrCurrentPresetStr = new string[allChannel.lisChannel.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < allChannel.lisChannel.Count; i++)
currentArrCurrentPresetStr[i] = allChannel.lisChannel[i].channelName;
currentChooseIndex = allChannel.currentChooseIndex;
currentChannel = allChannel.lisChannel.Count > currentChooseIndex ? allChannel.lisChannel[currentChooseIndex] : null;
//allDefine.lisDefine.Add(new Define() { name = “TEST1“ describe = “Test1Describe“ });
//allDefine.lisDefine.Add(new Define() { name = “TEST2“ describe = “Test2Describe“ });
//allDefine.lisDefine.Add(new Define() { name = “TEST3“ describe = “Test3Describe“ });
//allDefine.lisDefine.Add(new Define() { name = “TEST4“ describe = “Test4Describe“ });
//allDefine.lisDefine.Add(new Define() { name = “TEST5“ describe = “Test5Describe“ });
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-01-05 16:35 hong\
目录 0 2019-01-07 17:46 hong\Editor\
文件 24872 2019-01-07 17:46 hong\Editor\Hong.cs
文件 284 2019-01-05 16:32 hong\Editor\Hong.cs.me
文件 213 2019-01-05 16:35 hong\Editor.me
目录 0 2019-01-07 17:35 hong\Resources\
文件 284 2019-01-08 16:25 hong\Resources\Channel.json
文件 199 2019-01-07 14:43 hong\Resources\Channel.json.me
文件 503 2019-01-07 14:43 hong\Resources\Define.json
文件 199 2019-01-07 14:43 hong\Resources\Define.json.me
文件 213 2019-01-05 16:35 hong\Resources.me
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