
from model.config import Config
from model.data_utils import CoNLLDataset get_vocabs UNK NUM \
get_glove_vocab write_vocab load_vocab get_char_vocab \
export_trimmed_glove_vectors get_processing_word
def main():
“““Procedure to build data
You MUST RUN this procedure. It iterates over the whole dataset (train
dev and test) and extract the vocabularies in terms of words tags and
characters. Having built the vocabularies it writes them in a file. The
writing of vocabulary in a file assigns an id (the line #) to each word.
It then extract the relevant GloVe vectors and stores them in a np array
such that the i-th entry corresponds to the i-th word in the vocabulary.
config: (instance of Config) has attributes like hyper-params...
# get config and processing of words
config = Config(load=False)
processing_word = get_processing_word(lowercase=True)
# Generators
dev = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_dev processing_word)
test = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_test processing_word)
train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train processing_word)
# Build Word and Tag vocab
vocab_words vocab_tags = get_vocabs([train dev test])
vocab_glove = get_glove_vocab(config.filename_glove)
vocab = vocab_words & vocab_glove
# Save vocab
write_vocab(vocab config.filename_words)
write_vocab(vocab_tags config.filename_tags)
# Trim GloVe Vectors
vocab = load_vocab(config.filename_words)
export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab config.filename_glove
config.filename_trimmed config.dim_word)
# Build and save char vocab
train = CoNLLDataset(config.filename_train)
vocab_chars = get_char_vocab(train)
write_vocab(vocab_chars config.filename_chars)
if __name__ == “__main__“:
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-12-20 03:16 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\
文件 51 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\.gitignore
文件 10762 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\LICENSE.txt
文件 2654 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\README.md
文件 1920 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\build_data.py
目录 0 2018-12-20 03:16 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\data\
文件 819 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\data\test.txt
文件 2141 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\evaluate.py
文件 202 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\makefile
目录 0 2018-12-20 03:16 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\
文件 0 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\__init__.py
文件 4828 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\ba
文件 3321 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\config.py
文件 11676 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\data_utils.py
文件 4682 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\general_utils.py
文件 13429 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\model\ner_model.py
文件 30 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\requirements.txt
文件 753 2017-11-09 03:14 LSTM+CRF_seq_tagging-master\train.py
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