
% topoplot() - plot a topographic map of an EEG field as a 2-D
% circular view (looking down at the top of the head)
% using cointerpolation on a fine cartesian grid.
% Usage:
% >> topoplot(datavector‘eloc_file‘);
% >> topoplot(datavector‘eloc_file‘ ‘Param1‘‘Value1‘ ...)
% Inputs:
% datavector = vector of values at the corresponding locations.
% ‘eloc_file‘ = name of an EEG electrode position file {0 -> ‘chan_file‘}
% Optional Parameters & Values (in any order):
% Param Value
% ‘colormap‘ - any sized colormap
% ‘interplimits‘ - ‘electrodes‘ to furthest electrode
% ‘head‘ to edge of head
% {default ‘head‘}
% ‘gridscale‘ - scaling grid size {default 67}
% ‘maplimits‘ - ‘absmax‘ +/- the absolute-max
% ‘maxmin‘ scale to data range
% [clim1clim2] user-definined lo/hi
% {default = ‘absmax‘}
% ‘style‘ - ‘straight‘ colormap only
% ‘contour‘ contour lines only
% ‘both‘ both colormap and contour lines
% ‘fill‘ constant color between lines
% ‘blank‘ just head and electrodes
% {default = ‘both‘}
% ‘numcontour‘ - number of contour lines
% {default = 6}
% ‘shading‘ - ‘flat‘‘interp‘ {default = ‘flat‘}
% ‘headcolor‘ - Color of head cartoon {default black}
% ‘electrodes‘ - ‘on‘‘off‘‘labels‘‘numbers‘
% ‘efontsize‘‘electcolor‘‘emarker‘‘emarkersize‘ - details
% Note: topoplot() only works when map limits are >= the max and min
% interpolated data values.
% Eloc_file format:
% chan_number degrees radius reject_level amp_gain channel_name
% (Angle-0 = Cz-to-Fz; C3-angle =-90; Radius at edge of image = 0.5)
% For a sample eloc file: >> topoplot(‘example‘)
% Note: topoplot() will ignore any electrode with a position outside
% the head (radius > 0.5)
% Topoplot Version 2.1
% Begun by Andy Spydell NHRC 7-23-96
% 8-96 Revised by Colin Humphries CNL / Salk Institute La Jolla CA
% -changed surf command to imagesc (faster)
% -can now handle arbitrary scaling of electrode distances
% -can now handle non integer angles in eloc_file
% 4-4-97 Revised again by Colin Humphries reformat by SM
% -added parameters
% -changed eloc_file format
% 2-26-98 Revised by Colin
% -changed image back to surface command
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1524 2016-10-24 18:38 bp1.txt
文件 11205 2016-10-24 18:38 topoplotEEG.m
文件 95 2016-12-20 10:49 说明.txt
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
12824 3
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