
* Dogs102x6.c
* Created on: 2013-7-16
* Author: 刘陈锋
#include “msp430.h“
//#include “HAL_Buttons.h“
#include “Dogs102x6.h“
// Macros
#ifndef abs
# define abs(n) (((n) < 0) ? -(n) : (n))
// For all commands CD signal must = 0
#define SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS_MSB 0x10 //Set SRAM col. addr. before write last 4 bits =
// ca4-ca7
#define SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS_LSB 0x00 //Set SRAM col. addr. before write last 4 bits =
// ca0-ca3
#define SET_POWER_CONTROL 0x2F //Set Power control - booster regulator and follower
// on
#define SET_SCROLL_LINE 0x40 //Scroll image up by SL rows (SL = last 5 bits)
// range:0-63
#define SET_PAGE_ADDRESS 0xB0 //Set SRAM page addr (pa = last 4 bits) range:0-8
#define SET_VLCD_RESISTOR_RATIO 0x27 //Set internal resistor ratio Rb/Ra to adjust contrast
#define SET_ELECTRONIC_VOLUME_MSB 0x81 //Set Electronic Volume “PM“ to adjust contrast
#define SET_ELECTRONIC_VOLUME_LSB 0x0F //Set Electronic Volume “PM“ to adjust contrast (PM =
// last 5 bits)
#define SET_ALL_PIXEL_ON 0xA4 //Disable all pixel on (last bit 1 to turn on all pixels
// - does not affect memory)
#define SET_INVERSE_DISPLAY 0xA6 //Inverse display off (last bit 1 to invert display -
// does not affect memory)
#define SET_DISPLAY_ENABLE 0xAF //Enable display (exit sleep mode & restore power)
#define SET_SEG_DIRECTION 0xA1 //Mirror SEG (column) mapping (set bit0 to mirror
// display)
#define SET_COM_DIRECTION 0xC8 //Mirror COM (row) mapping (set bit3 to mirror display)
#define SYSTEM_RESET 0xE2 //Reset the system. Control regs reset memory not
// affected
#define NOP 0xE3 //No operation
#define SET_LCD_BIAS_RATIO 0xA2 //Set voltage bias ratio (BR = bit0)
#define SET_CURSOR_UPDATE_MODE 0xE0 //Column address will increment with write operation
// (but no wrap around)
#define RESET_CURSOR_UPDATE_MODE 0xEE //Return cursor to column address from before cursor
// update mode was set
#define SET_ADV_PROGRAM_CONTROL0_MSB 0xFA //Set temp. compensation curve to -0.11%/C
// Pins from MSP430 connected to LCD
#define CD BIT6
#define CS BIT4
#define RST BIT7
#define BACKLT BIT6
#define SPI_SIMO BIT1
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 42305 2013-07-16 16:09 msp430f5529低频频率计\Dogs102x6.c
文件 2537 2013-07-16 16:11 msp430f5529低频频率计\Dogs102x6.h
文件 1762 2013-07-18 14:20 msp430f5529低频频率计\main.c
目录 0 2013-07-22 15:43 msp430f5529低频频率计
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46604 4
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