/*This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/
/*! \file *********************************************************************
* \brief Demo of Linear speed ramp controller.
* Demo of linear speed ramp controller. Control of stepper motor by the
* serial port. A menu gives the user status and shows the avaliable commands.
* - File: main.c
* - Compiler: IAR EWAAVR 4.11A
* - Supported devices: All devices with a 16 bit timer can be used.
* The example is written for ATmega48
* - AppNote: AVR446 - Linear speed control of stepper motor
* \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n
* Support email: avr@atmel.com
* $Name: RELEASE_1_0 $
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* $RCSfile: main.cv $
* $Date: 2006/05/08 12:25:58 $
#include “global.h“
#include “uart.h“
#include “sm_driver.h“
#include “speed_cntr.h“
//! Global status flags
struct GLOBAL_FLAGS status = {FALSE FALSE 0};
void ShowHelp(void);
void ShowData(int position int acceleration int deceleration int speed int steps);
/*! \brief Init of peripheral devices.
* Setup IO uart stepper timer and interrupt.
void Init(void)
// Init of IO pins
// Init of uart
// Set stepper motor driver output
// Init of Timer/Counter1
/*! \brief Demo of linear speed controller.
* Serial interface frontend to test linear speed controller.
void main(void)
// Number of steps to move.
int steps = 1000;
// Accelration to use.
int acceleration = 100;
// Deceleration to use.
int deceleration = 100;
// Speed to use.
int speed = 800;
// Tells if the received string was a valid command.
char okCmd = FALSE;
// Outputs help screen.
ShowData(stepPosition acceleration deceleration speed steps);
while(1) {
// If a command is received check the command and act on it.
if(status.cmd == TRUE){
if(UART_RxBuffer[0] == ‘m‘){
// Move with...
if(UART_RxBuffer[1] == ‘ ‘){
// ...number of steps given.
steps = atoi((char const *)UART_RxBuffer+2);
speed_cntr_Move(steps acceleration deceleration speed);
okCmd = TRUE;
uart_SendString(“\n\r “);
else if(UART_RxBuffer[1] == ‘o‘){
if(UART_RxBuffer[2] == ‘v‘){
if(UART_RxBuffer[3] == ‘e‘){
// ...all parameters given
if(UART_RxBuffer[4] == ‘ ‘){
int i = 6;
steps = atoi((char const *)UART_RxBuffer+5);
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