This program is designed to be built into a DLL and called from LabVIEW. Each function
that is marked DLLEXPORT can be called from third party code. These functions are
identical to the generate and sort example.
#include // includes the ansi_c and windows libraries
int __stdcall DllMain (HINSTANCE hinstDLL DWORD fdwReason LPVOID lpvReserved)
{ // main DLL function
return TRUE;
The purpose of this function is to generate an array of random numbers of the size
ARRAYSIZE. Each number will be an integer between 0 and 100. The numbers are seeded
by time plus an offset. The array is passed into this function by reference
void DLLEXPORT generateRand(int *iArray int ARRAYSIZE)
int i sTime;
time(&sTime); // gets time to seed the random number
for (i=0;i {
srand(sTime*100+i*10); // seeds each random from an offset of the time
iArray[i]=rand()*100/RAND_MAX; // inserts the random number into the array
The purpose of this function is to sort an array of random numbers. This function
uses the bubblesort algorithm which has the time complexity O(n^2). The array
is passed into this function by reference.
void DLLEXPORT bubbleSort(int *iArray int ARRAYSIZE)
int holder x y;
for(x = 0; x < ARRAYSIZE; x++)
for(y = 0; y < ARRAYSIZE-1; y++)
if(iArray[y] > iArray[y+1])
{ // compares neighboring elements and swaps if necessary
holder = iArray[y+1];
iArray[y+1] = iArray[y];
iArray[y] = holder;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6915 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\ccw.vi
文件 13266 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\collision_self.vi
文件 6782 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\collision_wall.vi
文件 9921 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\next_move.vi
文件 16494 2013-01-05 15:44 贪食蛇\Snake\resolve_apples.vi
文件 45 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\snake.aliases
文件 2091 2006-10-31 14:31 贪食蛇\Snake\snake.ini
文件 4482 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\snake.lvproj
文件 43657 2008-09-09 15:17 贪食蛇\Snake\SNAKE.vi
文件 4623 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\xyplot.ctl
文件 8781 2013-01-05 15:44 贪食蛇\Snake\xyplot_delete.vi
文件 7693 2008-09-09 15:15 贪食蛇\Snake\xyplot_insert.vi
文件 206848 2008-04-09 15:51 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\LabVIEW_code_and_DLL\GenSort.dll
文件 2648 2008-04-09 15:51 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\LabVIEW_code_and_DLL\GenSort.lib
文件 18228 2008-04-09 15:57 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\LabVIEW_code_and_DLL\GenSortRandC.vi
文件 1279 2008-04-04 10:47 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\readme.txt
文件 206848 2008-04-09 15:51 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\CVI Stuff\GenSort.dll
文件 2648 2008-04-09 15:51 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\CVI Stuff\GenSort.lib
文件 1665 2004-01-12 12:07 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\CVI Stuff\GenSortRand.c
文件 2866 2008-04-09 16:15 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\CVI Stuff\GenSortRand.cws
文件 3904 2008-04-04 10:50 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\CVI Stuff\GenSortRand.prj
文件 1699 2004-04-01 20:00 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.cpp
文件 4309 2004-04-01 17:35 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.dsp
文件 539 2004-04-01 20:39 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.dsw
文件 50176 2004-04-02 00:30 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.ncb
文件 48640 2004-04-02 00:30 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.opt
文件 1739 2004-04-01 20:06 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\GenSort.plg
文件 1619 2004-04-01 17:35 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\MSVSReadMe.txt
文件 294 2004-04-01 17:35 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\StdAfx.cpp
文件 802 2004-04-01 17:35 贪食蛇\调用C-动态数据库\Source_code_for_dll\Visual C++ Stuff\StdAfx.h
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