
* $Id: IntegerAttribute.javav 1.4 2005/09/04 22:11:03 wuttke Exp $
* Created on 08.04.2005
* @author Matthias Wuttke
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
package org.tinyradius.attribute;
import org.tinyradius.dictionary.AttributeType;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusException;
* This class represents a Radius attribute which only
* contains a 32 bit integer.
public class IntegerAttribute extends RadiusAttribute {
* Constructs an empty integer attribute.
public IntegerAttribute() {
* Constructs an integer attribute with the given value.
* @param type attribute type
* @param value attribute value
public IntegerAttribute(int type int value) {
* Returns the string value of this attribute.
* @return a string
public int getAttributeValueInt() {
byte[] data = getAttributeData();
return (((data[0] & 0x0ff) << 24) | ((data[1] & 0x0ff) << 16) |
((data[2] & 0x0ff) << 8) | (data[3] & 0x0ff));
* Returns the value of this attribute as a string.
* Tries to resolve enumerations.
* @see org.tinyradius.attribute.RadiusAttribute#getAttributeValue()
public String getAttributeValue() {
int value = getAttributeValueInt();
AttributeType at = getAttributeTypeobject();
if (at != null) {
String name = at.getEnumeration(value);
if (name != null)
return name;
return Integer.toString(value);
* Sets the value of this attribute.
* @param value integer value
public void setAttributeValue(int value) {
byte[] data = new byte[4];
data[0] = (byte)(value >> 24 & 0x0ff);
data[1] = (byte)(value >> 16 & 0x0ff);
data[2] = (byte)(value >> 8 & 0x0ff);
data[3] = (byte)(value & 0x0ff);
* Sets the value of this attribute.
* @exception NumberFormatException if value is not a number and constant cannot be resolved
* @see org.tinyradius.attribute.RadiusAttribute#setAttributeValue(java.lang.String)
public void setAttributeValue(String value) {
AttributeType at = getAttributeTypeobject();
if (at != null) {
Integer val = at.getEnumeration(value);
if (val != null) {
* Check attribute length.
* @see org.tinyradius.attribute.RadiusAttribute#readAttribute(byte[] int int)
public void readAttribute(byte[] data int offset int length)
throws RadiusException {
if (length != 6)
throw new RadiusException(“integer attribute: expected 4 bytes data“);
super.readAttribute(data offset length);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 61441 2010-02-03 23:51 dist\TinyRadius-1.0.jar
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文件 20018 2010-02-03 23:51 doc\apidoc\constant-values.html
文件 5940 2010-02-03 23:51 doc\apidoc\deprecated-list.html
文件 10031 2010-02-03 23:51 doc\apidoc\help-doc.html
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