Fluent 18-EDEM 2018的耦合文件,解压后直接复制到运行的CASE目录下,先打开FLUENT进入UDF设置中,选择Maneger,输入耦合文档名,然后load。完成后在读CASE或者mesh,打开Model就可看到EDEM了。

#include “udf.h“
#include “edem_coupling.h“
#include “compute_particle_heat_flux.h“
#include “version.h“
#if !RP_HOST
static void
compute_next_velocity(real dt real a[3] real b real V0[3] real Vn[3])
real beta_fact = 1./(1. + b*dt);
int i;
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
Vn[i] = (V0[i] + dt *a[i]) * beta_fact;
void compute_particle_forces_using_Fluent(Tracked_Particle *tp Injection *I cxboolean fluid_source_terms)
#if !RP_HOST
Particle *pp;
loop (pp I->p)
real N3V_VEC(acc); /* explicit part of particle acceleration */
real N3V_VEC(dvdt) = {0.}; /* velocity derivative not used */
real beta; /* drag factor */
real vmf_inv; /* virtual mass factor */
real next_vel[6]; /* first 3 components contain new velocity last 3 components carry old velocity */
cxboolean update_randoms = FALSE; /* do not update particle random numbers for Brownian motion inside ParticleAcceleration */
cxboolean cphase_interaction = TRUE; /* fill relevant fluid source terms inside HeatMassUpdate. */
real strength = P_N(pp)/solver_par.flow_time_step; /* number of particles per second typically 1 per time step*/
particle_state_t p_old; /* needed to restore unintended changes in HeatMassUpdate */
/* Fill tracked particle with information in pp and interpolate cphase_state */
#if (RampantReleaseMajor >= 18)
# if (RampantReleaseMinor >= 1)
init_tracked_particle(tp pp dpm_par.unsteady_tracking FALSE TRUE);
# else
init_tracked_particle(tp pp dpm_par.unsteady_tracking FALSE FALSE);
# endif
init_tracked_particle(tp pp dpm_par.unsteady_tracking FALSE FALSE);
P_DT(tp) = pp->next_time_step;
P_TIME(tp) += P_DT(tp);
if (DEM_DRAG_FLUENT_P(edem_coupling))
/* Now let‘s do a virtual step into the particle‘s direction for the given flow time step */
ParticleAcceleration(tp acc dvdt &beta &vmf_inv update_randoms);
compute_next_velocity(P_DT(tp) acc beta P_VEL(tp) next_vel);
/* acc is carrying explicit part of particle acceleration
* let us add implicit part and subtract gravity included in body forces
* to provide fluid related acceleration to EDEM as a force */
N3V_VS(acc -= P_VEL(pp) * beta);
/* N3V_V (acc -= tp->source.bf_acc); */
N3V_V (acc -= solver_par.G);
/* Now let‘s compute the particle force from the acceleration */
/* Update velocity of tracked particle to be considered in AddSources */
N3V_V(P_VEL(tp) = next_vel);
/* need to call this always since some DPM source terms are treated inside */
/* save state before calling HeatMassUpdate */
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1055 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\addon.scm
文件 1034 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_bind_subrs.scm
文件 5954 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_injection.scm
文件 22833 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_main_panel.scm
文件 2222 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_multiphase.scm
文件 7655 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_tui_commands.scm
文件 1522 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\edem_vars.scm
文件 5163 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\function_hooks.scm
文件 1713 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\lib\split_join_string.scm
文件 1311 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\README.Linux
文件 1764 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\SConstruct
文件 9935 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\AdaptorInterface.h
文件 7478 2018-05-21 09:19 lib_edem_coupling\src\compute_particle_forces.c
文件 206 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\compute_particle_forces.h
文件 3187 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\compute_particle_heat_flux.c
文件 321 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\compute_particle_heat_flux.h
文件 2751 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\dpm_drag_udf.c
文件 36116 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\edem_coupling.c
文件 2677 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\edem_coupling.h
文件 5489 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\locate_particles.c
文件 285 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\locate_particles.h
文件 7699 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\particle_prototype.c
文件 773 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\particle_prototype.h
文件 1375 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\quaternion_macros.h
文件 5784 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\SConsc
文件 5206 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\sunflower_generators.c
文件 1908 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\sunflower_generators.h
文件 4077 2018-05-08 21:01 lib_edem_coupling\src\udfParticle.h
文件 8883 2018-05-21 14:40 lib_edem_coupling\win64\3d\compute_particle_forces.obj
文件 5926 2018-05-21 14:40 lib_edem_coupling\win64\3d\compute_particle_heat_flux.obj
- pageOfficeDemo
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- MESH网格划分课程
- 康奈尔大学fluent教程
- FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版二
- FLUENT HELP 算例精选中文版一
- fluent18.1-EDEM2017耦合接口
- fluent安装证书
- fluent在喷管中的应用
- FLUENT全攻略(完整)
- FLUENT6.1 全攻略
- FLUENT在火箭发动机领域的应用
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- fluent UDF完整中文资料
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