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#include “app_uart.h“
#include “app_fifo.h“
#include “nrf.h“
#include “nrf_gpio.h“
#include “app_error.h“
#include “app_util.h“
#include “app_gpiote.h“
#define FIFO_LENGTH(F) (F.write_pos - F.read_pos) /**< Macro to calculate length of a FIFO. */
#define UART_INSTANCE_GPIOTE_base 0x00FF /**< Define the base for UART instance ID when flow control is used. The userid from GPIOTE will be used with padded 0xFF at LSB for easy converting the instance id to GPIOTE id. */
#define UART_INSTANCE_ID_INVALID 0x0000 /**< Value 0x0000 is used to indicate an invalid instance id. When 0 is provided as instance id upon initialization the module will provide a valid id to the caller. */
/** @brief States for the app_uart state machine. */
typedef enum
UART_OFF /**< app_uart state OFF indicating CTS is low. */
UART_READY /**< app_uart state ON indicating CTS is high. */
UART_ON /**< app_uart state TX indicating UART is ongoing transmitting data. */
UART_WAIT_CLOSE /**< app_uart state WAIT CLOSE indicating that CTS is low but a byte is currently being transmitted on the line. */
} app_uart_states_t;
/** @brief State transition events for the app_uart state machine. */
typedef enum
ON_CTS_HIGH /**< Event: CTS gone high. */
ON_CTS_LOW /**< Event: CTS gone low. */
ON_UART_PUT /**< Event: Application wants to transmit data. */
ON_TX_READY /**< Event: Data has been transmitted on the uart and line is available. */
ON_UART_CLOSE /**< Event: The UART module are being stopped. */
} app_uart_state_events_t;
static app_fifo_t m_rx_fifo; /**< RX FIFO buffer for storing data received on the UART until the application fetches them using app_uart_get(). */
static app_fifo_t m_tx_fifo; /**< TX FIFO buffer for storing data to be transmitted on the UART when TXD is ready. Data is p
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2014-10-17 12:50 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\
目录 0 2014-10-17 15:20 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\
文件 19572 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\app_uart_fifo_mod.c
目录 0 2014-10-17 15:23 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\arm\
文件 17570 2014-10-17 15:22 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\arm\ble_app_uart.uvopt
文件 20026 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\arm\ble_app_uart.uvoptx
文件 36958 2014-10-17 15:21 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\arm\ble_app_uart.uvproj
文件 49520 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\arm\ble_app_uart.uvprojx
文件 9394 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\ble_nus.c
文件 6349 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\ble_nus.h
文件 389719 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\Capture - Define the constant for the development kit in Keil Target Options.png
文件 27019 2014-10-17 15:20 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\main.c
文件 1534 2014-10-17 12:42 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\README.md
文件 1466 2014-10-17 12:51 adc_sampling_ble_app_uart\app_uart_library_example_with_ble\uart_conf.h
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