功能强大的ClistCtrl类 更改单元格的颜色等功能

// CListCtrlExDemo.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “CListCtrlExDemo.h“
#include “CListCtrlExDemoDlg.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// CCListCtrlExDemoApp
ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP &CWinApp::onhelp)
// CCListCtrlExDemoApp construction
// TODO: add construction code here
// Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
// The one and only CCListCtrlExDemoApp object
CCListCtrlExDemoApp theApp;
// CCListCtrlExDemoApp initialization
BOOL CCListCtrlExDemoApp::InitInstance()
// InitCommonControlsEx() is required on Windows XP if an application
// manifest specifies use of ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later to enable
// visual styles. Otherwise any window creation will fail.
InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
// Set this to include all the common control classes you want to use
// in your application.
InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored
// TODO: You should modify this string to be something appropriate
// such as the name of your company or organization
SetRegistryKey(_T(“Local AppWizard-Generated Applications“));
CCListCtrlExDemoDlg dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
if (nResponse == IDOK)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with OK
else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with Cancel
// Since the dialog has been closed return FALSE so that we exit the
// application rather than start the application‘s message pump.
return FALSE;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4183 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\ReadMe.txt
文件 5626 2009-02-22 18:14 CListCtrlEx\Demo\Debug\BuildLog.htm
文件 6478 2009-02-22 18:29 CListCtrlEx\Demo\Release\BuildLog.htm
文件 558 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.h
文件 1210 2009-02-22 18:05 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemoDlg.h
文件 461 2009-02-22 18:02 CListCtrlEx\Demo\DlgColor.h
文件 7842 2015-07-16 22:57 CListCtrlEx\Demo\ListCtrlEx.h
文件 7842 2015-07-16 22:57 CListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx.h
文件 588 2008-06-12 13:48 CListCtrlEx\Demo\MsgHook.h
文件 588 2008-06-12 13:48 CListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx\MsgHook.h
文件 1054 2009-02-22 18:31 CListCtrlEx\Demo\Resource.h
文件 2864 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\stdafx.h
文件 2201 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.cpp
文件 7949 2009-02-22 18:29 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemoDlg.cpp
文件 1053 2009-02-22 18:02 CListCtrlEx\Demo\DlgColor.cpp
文件 30487 2015-07-20 22:37 CListCtrlEx\Demo\ListCtrlEx.cpp
文件 30487 2015-07-20 22:37 CListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx.cpp
文件 4768 2008-07-15 14:10 CListCtrlEx\Demo\MsgHook.cpp
文件 4768 2008-07-15 14:10 CListCtrlEx\ListCtrlEx\MsgHook.cpp
文件 215 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\stdafx.cpp
文件 73728 2009-02-22 18:29 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.exe
文件 59796 2009-02-22 18:31 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.aps
文件 21630 2005-12-08 14:56 CListCtrlEx\Demo\res\CListCtrlExDemo.ico
文件 6656 2009-02-22 18:31 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.rc
文件 406 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\res\CListCtrlExDemo.rc2
文件 894 2009-02-22 17:50 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.sln
..A..H. 40350 2009-02-22 18:31 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.suo
文件 1417 2009-02-22 18:31 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.vcproj.DENNISCHEN.User.user
文件 5860 2009-02-22 17:59 CListCtrlEx\Demo\CListCtrlExDemo.vcproj
目录 0 2009-02-22 17:54 CListCtrlEx\Demo\Debug
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- CListCtrlExDemo.rar
- 改变 CListCtrl、CHeaderCtrl 高度、字体、
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- SysListView32通用表格控件内容读取程序
- CListCtrl设置不同行不同颜色,字体颜
- CListCtrl重绘 Redraw 源码
- CListCtrl控件实现Item项拖拽效果
- CListCtrl 使用演示的
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- CListCtrlEx扩展列表控件
- CListCtrl的使用
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- 可编辑CListCtrl封装处理,含主程序
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- CListCtrl继承类,修改行高
- CListCtrl 改变选中行的颜色
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