大小: 118KB文件类型: .zip金币: 2下载: 0 次发布日期: 2021-05-18
- 语言: 其他
- 标签: SLAM trajectory c

// need pangolin for plotting trajectory
using namespace std;
// path to trajectory file
string estimated_trajectory_file = “../data/estimated.txt“;
string groundtruth_trajectory_file = “../data/groundtruth.txt“;
// 读取位姿数据
void ReadPoses(vector> &poses string trajectory_file);
// 比较两个 pose
double CompareTwoPose(Sophus::SE3 estimated_pose Sophus::SE3 groundtruth_pose);
// 比较两组 pose
double ComparePoses(vector> estimated_poses
vector> groundtruth_poses);
// function for plotting trajectory don‘t edit this code
// start point is red and end point is blue
void DrawTrajectory(vector>);
// 重载一个绘图函数
void DrawTrajectory(vector> estimated_poses
vector> groundtruth_poses);
int main(int argc char **argv) {
vector> estimated_poses;
vector> groundtruth_poses;
// 读取位姿
ReadPoses(estimated_poses estimated_trajectory_file);
ReadPoses(groundtruth_poses groundtruth_trajectory_file);
// 比较两组位姿数据
double rmse(0);
rmse = ComparePoses(estimated_poses groundtruth_poses);
cout << “rmse = “ << rmse << endl;
// 把轨迹画出来
DrawTrajectory(estimated_poses groundtruth_poses);
return 0;
// 读取位姿数据
void ReadPoses(vector> &poses string trajectory_file)
ifstream fs(trajectory_file);
cout << “Error: cannot open file “ << trajectory_file << “ !“ << endl;
string sline;
double t tx ty tz qx qy qz qw;
while(getline(fs sline))
stringstream ss(sline);
ss >> t >> tx >> ty >> tz >> qx >> qy >> qz >> qw;
Sophus::SE3 SE3(Eigen::Quaterniond(qw qx qy qz) Eigen::Vector3d(tx ty tz));
// 比较两个 pose
double CompareTwoPose(Sophus::SE3 estimated_pose Sophus::SE3 groundtruth_pose)
Sophus::SE3 error = estimated_pose.inverse() * groundtruth_pose;
Sophus::Vector6d se3 = error.log();
double norm = se3.norm();
return norm*norm;
// 比较两组 pose
double ComparePoses(vector> estimated_poses
vector> groundtruth_poses)
if(estimated_poses.size() != groundtruth_poses.size())
cout << “Error! The size of estimated pose and ground truth pose does not match!“ << endl;
return -1;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-07-10 20:22 ch3\
文件 1461 2018-07-01 16:30 ch3\CMakeLists.txt
目录 0 2018-07-10 20:08 ch3\data\
文件 104075 2017-12-10 15:08 ch3\data\estimated.txt
文件 103876 2017-12-10 15:08 ch3\data\groundtruth.txt
文件 65386 2017-12-10 14:13 ch3\data\trajectory.txt
目录 0 2018-06-16 10:54 ch3\include\
目录 0 2018-06-16 10:54 ch3\src\
目录 0 2018-07-10 20:22 ch3\test\
文件 7078 2018-06-23 11:35 ch3\test\compare_trajectory.cpp
文件 2872 2018-06-23 11:34 ch3\test\draw_trajectory.cpp
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