
// GetHttpFile.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “GetHttpFile.h“
#include “GetHttpFileDlg.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CGetHttpFileApp
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
// CGetHttpFileApp construction
// TODO: add construction code here
// Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
// The one and only CGetHttpFileApp object
CGetHttpFileApp theApp;
// CGetHttpFileApp initialization
BOOL CGetHttpFileApp::InitInstance()
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need.
#ifdef _AFXDLL
Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically
CGetHttpFileDlg dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
int nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
if (nResponse == IDOK)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with OK
else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
// TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
// dismissed with Cancel
// Since the dialog has been closed return FALSE so that we exit the
// application rather than start the application‘s message pump.
return FALSE;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 36072 2008-05-26 10:51 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.aps
文件 1298 2008-05-26 10:52 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.clw
文件 2133 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.cpp
文件 4249 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.dsp
文件 545 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.dsw
文件 1379 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.h
文件 41984 2008-05-26 10:52 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.ncb
文件 53760 2008-05-26 10:52 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.opt
文件 1764 2008-05-26 10:52 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.plg
文件 5623 2008-05-26 10:51 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFile.rc
文件 5637 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFileDLG.cpp
文件 1434 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\GetHttpFileDLG.h
文件 3669 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\ReadMe.txt
文件 783 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\Resource.h
文件 213 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\StdAfx.cpp
文件 1054 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\StdAfx.h
文件 110686 2008-05-26 10:52 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\Debug\GetHttpFile.exe
文件 1078 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\res\GetHttpFile.ico
文件 403 2008-05-26 10:50 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\res\GetHttpFile.rc2
目录 0 2011-08-19 10:35 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\Debug
目录 0 2011-08-19 10:35 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile\res
目录 0 2011-08-19 10:35 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件\GetHttpFile
目录 0 2011-08-19 10:35 VC编程实现使用WinInet通过HTTP协议读取网上文件
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