
function [bandwidthdensityXY]=kde2d(datanMIN_XYMAX_XY)
% fast and accurate state-of-the-art
% bivariate kernel density estimator
% with diagonal bandwidth matrix.
% The kernel is assumed to be Gaussian.
% The two bandwidth parameters are
% chosen optimally without ever
% using/assuming a parametric model for the data or any “rules of thumb“.
% Unlike many other procedures this one
% is immune to accuracy failures in the estimation of
% multimodal densities with widely separated modes (see examples).
% INPUTS: data - an N by 2 array with continuous data
% n - size of the n by n grid over which the density is computed
% n has to be a power of 2 otherwise n=2^ceil(log2(n));
% the default value is 2^8;
% MIN_XYMAX_XY- limits of the bounding box over which the density is computed;
% the format is:
% MIN_XY=[lower_Xlimlower_Ylim]
% MAX_XY=[upper_Xlimupper_Ylim].
% The dafault limits are computed as:
% MAX=max(data[]1); MIN=min(data[]1); Range=MAX-MIN;
% MAX_XY=MAX+Range/4; MIN_XY=MIN-Range/4;
% OUTPUT: bandwidth - a row vector with the two optimal
% bandwidths for a bivaroate Gaussian kernel;
% the format is:
% bandwidth=[bandwidth_X bandwidth_Y];
% density - an n by n matrix containing the density values over the n by n grid;
% density is not computed unless the function is asked for such an output;
% XY - the meshgrid over which the variable “density“ has been computed;
% the intended usage is as follows:
% surf(XYdensity)
% Example (simple Gaussian mixture)
% clear all
% % generate a Gaussian mixture with distant modes
% data=[randn(5002);
% randn(5001)+3.5 randn(5001);];
% % call the routine
% [bandwidthdensityXY]=kde2d(data);
% % plot the data and the density estimate
% contour3(XYdensity50) hold on
% plot(data(:1)data(:2)‘r.‘‘MarkerSize‘5)
% Example (Gaussian mixture with distant modes):
% clear all
% % generate a Gaussian mixture with distant modes
% data=[randn(1001) randn(1001)/4;
% randn(1001)+18 randn(1001);
% randn(1001)+15 randn(1001)/2-18;];
% % call the routine
% [bandwidthdensityXY]=kde2d(data);
% % plot the data and the density estimate
% surf(XYdensity‘Linestyle‘‘none‘) view([060])
% colormap hot hold on alpha(.8)
% set(gca ‘color‘ ‘blue‘);
% plot(data(:1)data(:2)‘w.‘‘MarkerSize‘5)
% Example (Sinusoidal density):
% clear all
% X=rand(10001); Y=sin(X*10*pi)+randn(size(X))/3; data=[XY];
% % apply routine
% [bandwidthdensityXY]=kde2d(data);
% % plot the data and the density estimate
% surf(XYdensity‘Linestyle‘‘none‘) view([070])
% colormap hot hold on alpha(.8)
% se
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7506 2009-05-26 01:48 kde2d.m
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7506 1
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