
#include “stdafx.h“
bool StringUtil::StartsWith(std::string& s1 const char * s2)
bool result = false;
if (s2)
int len1 = s1.length();
int len2 = strlen(s2);
if ((len2 > 0) && (len1 >= len2))
const char * ptr1 = s1.c_str();
result = true;
for (int i=0;i if (s2[i] != ptr1[i])
result = false;
return result;
bool StringUtil::Equals(std::string& s1 const char * s2)
std::string s = s2;
return Equals(s1s);
bool StringUtil::Equals(std::string& s1 std::string& s2)
bool result = false;
int len1 = s1.length();
int len2 = s2.length();
if (len1 > 0)
if (len1 == len2)
const char * ptr1 = s1.c_str();
const char * ptr2 = s2.c_str();
result = true;
for (int i=0;i if (ptr1[i] != ptr2[i])
result = false;
return result;
void StringUtil::StripControlCharacters(std::string& s)
std::string result;
int len = s.length();
char c;
for (int i=0;i c = s.c_str()[i];
if (c >= 32)
result += c;
s = result;
void StringUtil::Uppercase(std::string& s)
std::string result;
int len = s.length();
char c;
for (int i=0;i c = s.c_str()[i];
if ((c > 96) && (c < 123))
c -= 32;
result += c;
s = result;
int StringUtil::CompareNoCaseOrSpace(std::string& s1 std::string& s2)
int result = 0;
std::string tmp1 = s1;
std::string tmp2 = s2;
if (CalculateHashNumber(tmp1) == CalculateHashNumber(tmp2))
if (tmp1 == tmp2)
return result;
int StringUtil::CalculateHashNumber(std::string& s)
int result = 0;
int length = s.length();
if (length > 0)
const char * cptr = s.c_str();
char c;
for (int i=0;i c = cptr[i];
// we want this to be case insensitive
if ((c > 96) && (c < 123))
c -= 32;
result += (int)c;
return result;
UINT32 StringUtil::DecodeIPAddress(std::string& s)
UINT32 result = 0;
std::string stmp = s;
int length = stmp.length();
const char * cptr = stmp.c_str();
int i;
char c;
std::string tmp;
int non_num = 0;
int num = 0;
std::vector numbers;
for (i=0;i c = cptr[i];
if (c == ‘.‘)
if (tmp.length() > 0)
if (IsIntNumber(tmp))
UINT32 u = atoi(tmp.c_str());
tmp += c;
int size = numbers.size();
if (size == 4)
UINT32 a = numbers[0];
UINT32 b = numbers[1];
UINT32 c = numbers[2];
UINT32 d = numbers[4];
result = (d << 24) | (c
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2004-04-19 00:26 vc6\GeoCalc\
文件 17974 2004-04-17 03:07 vc6\GeoCalc\geo.cpp
文件 2139 2004-04-15 01:11 vc6\GeoCalc\geo.h
文件 1738 2004-04-11 15:50 vc6\GeoCalc\GeoCalc.cpp
文件 5159 2004-04-11 15:51 vc6\GeoCalc\GeoCalc.dsp
文件 537 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\GeoCalc.dsw
文件 1310 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\GeoCalc.h
文件 10862 2004-04-11 16:09 vc6\GeoCalc\GeoCalc.rc
文件 10603 2004-03-30 02:43 vc6\GeoCalc\geodlg.cpp
文件 2087 2003-03-21 22:23 vc6\GeoCalc\geodlg.h
文件 2813 2004-04-15 00:47 vc6\GeoCalc\GEOPage.cpp
文件 1376 2004-04-11 13:03 vc6\GeoCalc\GEOPage.h
文件 3163 2004-04-15 00:47 vc6\GeoCalc\IntersectPage.cpp
文件 1460 2004-04-11 13:03 vc6\GeoCalc\IntersectPage.h
文件 1901 2004-04-15 00:43 vc6\GeoCalc\MeridianPage.cpp
文件 1300 2004-04-11 13:03 vc6\GeoCalc\MeridianPage.h
目录 0 2004-04-19 00:23 vc6\GeoCalc\res\
文件 1078 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\res\GeoCalc.ico
文件 399 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\res\GeoCalc.rc2
文件 766 2003-02-01 18:22 vc6\GeoCalc\res\icon7.ico
文件 3531 2004-04-11 13:31 vc6\GeoCalc\resource.h
文件 2707 2004-04-15 00:47 vc6\GeoCalc\SatPage.cpp
文件 1296 2004-04-11 13:42 vc6\GeoCalc\SatPage.h
文件 209 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\StdAfx.cpp
文件 1054 2003-02-01 18:03 vc6\GeoCalc\StdAfx.h
文件 3176 2004-04-11 16:06 vc6\GeoCalc\tabdlg.cpp
文件 1454 2004-04-11 14:46 vc6\GeoCalc\tabdlg.h
目录 0 2004-04-19 00:23 vc6\
目录 0 2004-04-19 00:24 src\util\
文件 4850 2003-08-18 17:03 src\util\arraycontainer.h
文件 6623 2004-04-11 14:29 src\util\StringUtil.cpp
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