
#include “opencv/cv.h“
#include “opencv/ml.h“
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void help()
printf(“adaboost “);
int main(int argc char*argv[]) {
//1. Declare a structure to keep the data
CvMLData cvml;
//2. Read the file
//3. Indicate which column is the response
// printf(“empty“);
//1. Select 40 for the training
CvTrainTestSplit cvtts(10000 true);
//2. Assign the division to the data
printf(“Training ... “);
//1. Declare the classifier
CvBoost boost;
//2. Train it with 100 features
boost.train(&cvml CvBoostParams(CvBoost::REAL 2116 0.95 1000 false 0) true);
//CvBoostParams的参数含义分别是:(1)使用REAL adaboost,
//(3)样本总权值小于1.0-0.95 = 0.05的点将不参加下一次的迭代
// 1. Declare a couple of vectors to save the predictions of each sample
std::vector train_responses test_responses;
// 2. Calculate the training error
float fl1 = boost.calc_error(&cvmlCV_TRAIN_ERROR&train_responses);
// 3. Calculate the test error
float fl2 = boost.calc_error(&cvmlCV_TEST_ERROR&test_responses);
printf(“Error train %f \n“ fl1);
printf(“Error test %f \n“ fl2);
// Save the trained classifier
boost.save(argv[2] “boost“);
//CvMat *SampleData = cvCreateMat(1 10 CV_32FC1);
//float x = boost.predict(SampleDataMat()Range::all()falsefalse);
//cout< printf(“exit“);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 328 2013-08-06 14:47 adaboost\adaboost训练1\adaboost.pro
文件 12853 2013-08-27 14:06 adaboost\adaboost训练1\adaboost.pro.user
文件 1803 2013-08-08 19:45 adaboost\adaboost训练1\main.cpp
文件 181 2013-08-27 14:35 adaboost\adaboost训练1\readme.txt
文件 2156 2013-08-08 22:57 adaboost\adaboost预测\main.cpp
文件 326 2013-08-08 10:43 adaboost\adaboost预测\pridict.pro
文件 17281 2013-08-27 14:49 adaboost\adaboost预测\pridict.pro.user
文件 182 2013-08-27 14:54 adaboost\adaboost预测\readme.txt
目录 0 2013-12-09 14:15 adaboost\adaboost训练1
目录 0 2013-12-09 14:15 adaboost\adaboost预测
目录 0 2013-12-09 14:29 adaboost
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