% planar_dolpcheby.m - Dolph-Chebyshev Weights for Planar Arrays
% Example: [w] = planar_dolphcheby(dx dy N M RdB)
% Inputs:
% dx = element spacing in units of lambda in x direction
% dy = element spacing in units of lambda in y direction
% N = number of array elements in x Direction
% M = number of array elements in y Direction
% R = relative sidelobe level in dB
% Output:
% W = matrix of array weights
function [w] = my_planar_dolphcheby(dxdyNMRdB)
R = 10^(RdB/20);
x0 = cosh(1/(N-1)*acosh(R));
% Finding Bpsi(PSIxPSIy) using Chebyshev Polyniomials
for l1 = 0:N-1
for l2 = 0:M-1
PSIxl1 = (l1-(N-1)/2)*2*pi/N;
PSIxl2 = (l2-(M-1)/2)*2*pi/M;
x = x0*cos(PSIxl1/2)*cos(PSIxl2/2);
T0 = 1;
T1 = x;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2009-09-19 09:51 dolph\
文件 1517 2009-07-25 16:39 dolph\my_planar_dolphcheby.m
文件 889 2009-07-25 16:22 dolph\new_planar.m
目录 0 2009-09-19 09:51 dolph\planar array\
文件 1510 2009-07-25 15:46 dolph\planar_dolphcheby.m
文件 1480 2009-07-25 16:30 dolph\prova_dolph.m
文件 60416 2009-01-18 17:04 matlab.doc
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