# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Collab Net. All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
# If newer versions of this license are posted there you may use a
# newer version instead at your option.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For exact contribution history see the revision
# history and logs available at http://subversion.tigris.org/.
# ====================================================================
# This script can be called from a pre-commit hook on either Windows or a Unix
# like operating system. It implements the checks required to ensure that the
# repository acts in a way which is compatible with a case preserving but
# case insensitive file system.
# When a file is added this script checks the file tree in the repository for
# files which would be the same name on a case insensitive file system and
# rejects the commit.
# On a Unix system put this script in the hooks directory and add this to the
# pre-commit script:
# $REPOS/hooks/check-case-insensitive.py “$REPOS“ “$TXN“ || exit 1
# On a windows machine add this to pre-commit.bat:
# python ript>\check-case-insensitive.py %1 %2
# if errorlevel 1 goto :ERROR
# exit 0
# echo Error found in commit 1>&2
# exit 1
# Make sure the python bindigs are installed and working on Windows. The zip
# file can be downloaded from the Subversion site. The bindings depend on
# dll‘s shipped as part of the Subversion binaries if the script cannot load
# the _fs dll it is because it cannot find the other Subversion dll‘s.
# If you have any problems with this script feel free to contact
# Martin Tomes: martin at tomes dot org dot uk
import sys
# Set this to point to your install of the Subversion languange bindings
# for Python:
#SVNLIB_DIR = r“C:/svnpy/svn-win32-1.2.0/python/“
SVNLIB_DIR = r“/usr/local/lib/svn-python/“
sys.path.insert(0 SVNLIB_DIR)
import os.path
import string
from svn import fs core repos delta
# Set this True for debug output.
debug = False
# An existat of 0 means all is well 1 means there are name conflicts.
exitstat = 0
# This is stolen from the svnlook.py example. All that is not needed has been
# stripped out and it returns data rather than printing it.
class SVNLook:
def __init__(self pool path cmd rev txn):
self.pool = pool
repos_ptr = repos.open(path pool)
self.fs_ptr = repos.fs(repos_ptr)
if txn:
self.txn_ptr = fs.open_txn(self.fs_ptr txn pool)
self.txn_ptr = None
if rev is None:
rev = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr pool)
self.rev = rev
def cmd_changed(self):
return self._print_tree(Change
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2809 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-commit..txt
文件 390 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-commit.bat
文件 2813 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-commit.tmpl
文件 1696 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-lock..txt
文件 1696 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-lock.tmpl
文件 2343 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-revprop-change..txt
文件 2341 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-revprop-change.tmpl
文件 1625 2009-03-18 21:23 hooks\post-unlock..txt
文件 1625 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\post-unlock.tmpl
文件 3297 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-commit..txt
文件 963 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-commit.bat
文件 3297 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-commit.tmpl
文件 2115 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-lock.txt
文件 2115 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-lock..txt
文件 2764 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-revprop-change..txt
文件 455 2009-03-18 21:24 hooks\pre-revprop-change.bat
文件 2764 2009-03-18 21:25 hooks\pre-revprop-change.tmpl
文件 2062 2009-03-18 21:25 hooks\pre-unlock..txt
文件 2062 2009-03-18 21:25 hooks\pre-unlock.tmpl
文件 3195 2009-03-18 21:25 hooks\start-commit..txt
文件 3195 2009-03-18 21:25 hooks\start-commit.tmpl
文件 5199 2009-03-18 21:28 hooks\sc
文件 3089 2009-03-18 21:28 hooks\sc
文件 3083 2009-03-18 21:28 hooks\sc
文件 3089 2009-03-18 21:28 hooks\sc
文件 11552 2009-03-18 21:28 hooks\sc
文件 844 2009-03-18 21:26 hooks\sc
文件 1499 2009-03-18 21:26 hooks\sc
文件 8397 2009-03-18 21:26 hooks\sc
文件 10090 2009-03-18 21:26 hooks\sc
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