% A minimalistic Echo State Networks demo with Mackey-Glass (delay 17) data
% in “plain“ Matlab.
% by Mantas Lukosevicius 2012
% http://minds.jacobs-university.de/mantas
% load the data
trainLen = 3000;
testLen = 1000;
initLen = 100;
data = load(‘MackeyGlass-t17.txt‘);
% plot some of it
% figure(10);
% plot(data(1:1000));
% title(‘A sample of data‘);
% generate the ESN reservoir
inSize = 1; outSize = 1;
resSize = 500;
a = 0.3; % leaking rate
signal = y(1:5001:2); %signal of W_in
%rand( ‘seed‘ 42 );
Win = (zeros(resSize1+inSize)+0.5) .* signal; %r=0.5
W = eye(resSize) * 0.8;
W = circshift(W[12]); % generate circle
W = reshape(W1resSize*resSize);
step = 10;
for i=1:resSize
if mod(i step) == 1
W(i) = 0.7;
W = reshape(WresSizeresSize)
% Option 1 - direct scaling (quick&dirty reservoir-specific):
% W = W .* 0.13;
% Option 2 - normalizing and setting spectral radius (correct slower):
disp ‘Computing spectral radius...‘;
opt.disp = 0;
rhoW = abs(eigs(W1‘LM‘opt));
disp ‘done.‘
W = W .* ( 1.25 /rhoW);
% allocated memory for the design (collected states) matrix
X = zeros(1+inSize+resSizetrainLen-initLen);
% set the corresponding target matrix directly
Yt = data(initLen+2:trainLen+1)‘;
% run the reservoir with the data and collect X
x = zeros(resSize1);
for t = 1:trainLen
u = data(t);
x = (1-a)*x + a*tanh( Win*[1;u] + W*x );
if t > initLen
X(:t-initLen) = [1;u;x];
% train the output
reg = 1e-8; % regularization coefficient
X_T = X‘;
% Wout = Yt*X_T * inv(X*X_T + reg*eye(1+inSize+resSize));
Wout = Yt*X_T / (X*X_T + reg*eye(1+inSize+resSize));
% Wout = Yt*pinv(X);
% run the trained ESN in a generative mode. no need to initialize here
% because x is initialized with training data and we continue from there.
Y = zeros(outSizetestLen);
u = data(trainLen+1);
for t = 1:testLen
x = (1-a)*x + a*tanh( Win*[1;u] + W*x );
y = Wout*[1;u;x];
Y(:t) = y;
% generative mode:
u = y;
% this would be a predictive mode:
u = data(trainLen+t+1);
errorLen = 1000;
mse = sum((data(trainLen+2:trainLen+errorLen+1)‘-Y(11:errorLen)).^2)./errorLen;
disp( [‘MSE = ‘ num2str( mse )] );
% plot some signals
plot( data(trainLen+2:trainLen+testLen+1) ‘color‘ [00.750] );
hold on;
plot( Y‘ ‘b‘ );
hold off;
axis tight;
title(‘Target and generated signals y(n) starting at n=0‘);
legend(‘Target signal‘ ‘Free-running predicted signal‘);
plot( X(1:201:200)‘ );
title(‘Some reservoir activations x(n)‘);
bar( Wout‘ )
title(‘Output weights W^{out}‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2686 2018-05-19 15:27 minimalCRJ.m
文件 2420 2018-05-19 15:00 minimalESN.m
文件 2574 2015-12-10 00:33 signv.mat
文件 265429 2016-11-21 18:13 MackeyGlass-t17.txt
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